Get ready for your countries of Africa quiz!
Prompt: Did the United States do the right thing by fighting the spread of communism during the Cold War? Explain your answer using the following vocabulary: ideology representative democracy totalitarian capitalism communism Soviet Union Vietnam or Korea. You have 15 minutes to write your response.
Let’s take some notes!!!
State County Province Empire City Which of each do you live in? (except empire)
Hearth for modern state— Western Europe Before 1648, lots of kingdoms whose borders constantly changed
In 19 th and 20 th centuries, nationalism rose in Europe Nationalism— Pride in your state or nation Led to many new countries
Europe entered into the Industrial Revolution first (1700’s) Meant that Europe had more machinery, more population, better weapons AND more disease because they had bigger, more crowded cities
Also meant that these countries needed natural resources to feed their growing societies Most European countries are small, and don’t have many resources
Colonialism—When one country takes over another country, usually for natural resources
Spaniards “discover” South American countries in the 1500’s Better weapons, new diseases Easily conquer Native tribes
Both parts of the world got introduced to new things
Nations fought to be free, wanted self- determination (sovereignty.) Decolonization happened Most Latin American nations became independent
Same as colonialism In late 1800s European states split up Africa and competed for power and land Largest empire— Great Britain
Nationalism Industrial Revolution Racism Cultural Duty- The White Man’s Burden Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child.
Largest empire— Great Britain “The Sun Never sets on the British Empire”
Africans lost their lands, their power, and their lives to Europeans Europeans built infrastructure only to extract materials from Africa
Europeans allowed very little education for Africans Congo Europeans divided Africans up largely by geometric boundaries Ethnically, made no sense Led to multi-state nations and multinational states
Occurred 1940s to 1970s. World War II weakened colonizing countries, allowed colonies to get self determination
Dependencies = few remaining colonies, usually small island territories
Even though they have sovereignty, most former colonies still have low standards of living. Three divisions within world economy Core - MDCs Periphery – LDC’s that were the core’s colonies. Semi-periphery - Countries with economic situations between the core and periphery.
1. What is the difference between a nation and a state? 2. What is a nation-state? 3. Where is the cultural hearth of the modern state? 4. Why were European countries interested in being imperialistic? 5. What is the Colombian Exchange? 6. How has nationalism led to countries achieving self determination? 7. What area achieved self determination first, Latin America or Africa? 8. What is the main idea of the core periphery model?
FRQ—2015 #1
Find a news article that represents something we have learned in our first three powerpoints. Print out the article or it to me. Include a brief (2-3 sentence) explanation of how the article represents the concepts we have covered in class.