Mesoamerican & Andean Civilizations Part 2 – The Aztec
The Aztec Empire Dominated large parts of Mesoamerica from the 14th to 16th centuries AD Began as an alliance of three city- states: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan The “Triple Alliance” ruled from 1427 until the Spanish conquest in 1521 Their capital, Tenochtitlan, was located on the site of present-day Mexico City
Tenochtitlan According to legend, the gods told the nomadic people who had entered the Valley of Mexico to search for an eagle peached on the top of a cactus. The eagle would be holding a snake in its beak. When they saw the sign on a swampy island in Lake Texcoco they established the city of Tenochtitlan. Modern flag of Mexico (detail)
Tenochtitlan At its peak it was the largest city in the Pre-Columbian Americas It was connected to the mainland by causeways The city was linked by a series of canals and had aqueducts to provide fresh water At its peak, the city had a population of over 200,000
Tenochtitlan The city has many squares where markets are held and trading is carried on. There is one square where there are daily more than 60,000 souls, buying and selling, and where are found all the kinds of merchandise produced in these countries, including food products, jewels of gold and silver, lead, brass, copper, zinc, bones, shells, and feathers.” - Early Spanish account
Aztec Accomplishments Like the Maya, the Aztecs studied astronomy, created a calendar, and used a complex writing system Extensive trade network (including gold, cotton, cacao beans, tobacco, pottery, tools, weapons, food and slaves) Highly skilled at agriculture Built floating gardens called chinampas
Aztec Society Aztecs were divided into several social classes: – Kings and nobles at the top – Priests and warriors – Commoners (merchants and artisans) – Serfs (farmers) and slaves at the bottom Nobles had the right to receive tribute from commoners on their land One of the first people in the world to have mandatory education for nearly all children, regardless of gender or class
Aztec Society
Aztec Religion Worshipped several gods; the most important were: – Huitzilopochtli (the war and sun god) – Tlaloc (the rain god) Both gods had a temple on top of the Templo Mayor pyramid at the heart of Tenochtitlan Huitzilopochtli Tlaloc
Aztec Religion Another key god was Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent god of wind and civilization) Gods were honoured with festivals, banquets, music, dancing, blood-letting, and sacrifices (animal and human) Like the Maya, the Aztec would cut the hearts from living victims and/or decapitate them Victims were usually warriors Quetzalcoatl
Aztec Warfare Did not have a permanent army but called up warriors when needed All men were expected to take part (including those from allied and conquered towns) Elite warriors wore spectacular feathered and animal skin costumes Wore padded cotton armour and carried wooden shields Weapons included super sharp obsidian sword-clubs, spear throwers, and bow and arrows Macuahuitls
Aztec Art Ranged from miniature engraved precious objects to massive stone sculptures Some of the most striking art objects are those which employed turquoise mosaic such as the famous mask of Xiuhtecuhtli Aztec art depicted all manner of subjects but especially popular were animals, plants and gods
Moctezuma II The ninth ruler of Tenochtitlan, reigning from 1502 to 1520 He was a conquering king and during his time, the Aztec Empire reached its maximum size The first contact between Mesoamericans and Europeans took place during his reign He was killed during the initial stages of the Spanish conquest of Mexico