EU farmers and agri-cooperatives’ views Bioeconomy at the core of EU policies Pekka Pesonen| 4 th Bioeconomy stakeholders’ conference– 12 /04/ 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

EU farmers and agri-cooperatives’ views Bioeconomy at the core of EU policies Pekka Pesonen| 4 th Bioeconomy stakeholders’ conference– 12 /04/ 2016

Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 2 Copa and Cogeca – Who are we? More than 50 years of experience:  Copa - over 23 million farmers and their families  Cogeca agri-cooperatives  Speaking with the same voice - a common Secretariat in Brussels  Over 70 member organisations from the EU MS and 30 partner organisations

Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 3 Importance of bioeconomy for the rural economy Increasing role of farmers for EU economy  To contribute in keeping and/or creating jobs in rural areas  To tackle climate change  To efficiently and sustainably use the existing resources  To contribute to a greener economy Bioeconomy provides solutions to respond to these challenges

Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 4 What farmers need to benefit from the solutions provided by the bioeconomy? What farmers need to benefit from the solutions provided by the bioeconomy? Making bioeconomy a priority for EU  An ambitious strategy reflected in the implementation of all relevant EU policies : research and innovation, investments, circular economy, regional policies, climate change  Financial instruments to further develop existing value chains and to create new ones for a better use of existing resources  Market measures: public procurement to promote bio-based products

Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 5 Promoting a sustainable agriculture and forestry for a sustainable future!