Riding the EU’s Arctic Wave – Opportunities for Universities A short peek at the potential of Barents region University Cooperation and upcoming direct EU financial instruments
Outline of the presentation Past to present The bigger picture The EU and the UArctic Keyplayers we need to b aware of
Opportunity –Relevance to the core tasks and needs Need –met with several projects, where overlap crucial, –additional work and contents required –bureaucracy Knowledge –Application, partners, project management, communication, valorisation… Results –What remains after the project. Looking forward – lessons from previous experiences.
The bigger picture - Instruments Regional and National Programmes Global Programmes InterRegional Programmes ERDF, ESF, Science funds Interreg, ENPI, NCM, NordForsk, Horizon 2020, Erasmus for All, Preparatory actions and Pilot Calls
The bigger picture – Initiatives and Policies Regional and National Programmes Global Programmes Interregional Programmes ERDF, ESF, Science funds Interreg, ENPI, NCM, Nordforsk, Horizon 2020, Erasmus for All, Preparatory actions and Pilot Calls Regional Smart Specialisation strategy Intiative, Innovative Cities, National Arctic Strategies EU’s Arctic Policy and Northern Dimension and related thematic DG’s Policies, EU- Russia Common Spaces Regional Smart Specialisation Intiative networks, European Neighbourhood Policy, Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)
University of the Arctic’s response to the Green Paper - a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding The University of the Arctic strongly encourages the creation of an ‘Arctic Window that is to be integrated to the new Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding instrument. In addition to the Framework for future EU Research and Innovation The following Circumpolar research topics should be amalgamated into the relevant work programmes of the future EU Research and Innovation Funding instrument: -Building Human Capacity in the North: culturally relevant training and education for sustainable northern communities; - Adaptation to Climate Change: challenges for human society as well as for nature; -The North as an Energy Region: economic, cultural, environmental, and technical opportunities, demands, and impacts; - Social and Economic Cohesion of the Region. These windows should also be secured in a way that the evaluation indicators of targeted calls include actors from northern macro regions i.e., Circumpolar countries and in the Barents Euro- Arctic areas. Northern Peripheral regions and the territorial dimension with respect to RDI and globalisation are to be noted to in future framework. In addition to obtaining synergy benefits, the European High North Cohesion Policy instruments should be integrated with the new Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding instrument
who's who EU – The Arctic Intergroup (several DG’s representatives), EU’s Arctic Information Centre, ERRIN(European Regions Research and Innovation Network), NSPA Circumpolar Arctic Council and Parliamentarians and Arctic Ambassadors, Nordic Council of Ministers, Barents Euro-Arctic Council + WG’s, Northern Research Forum. EU and (inter)Regional Programme Offices University of the Arctic, thematic networks and UArctic – EU agenda Key universities and institutions – part of the knowledge triangle and the very core for regional innovation capacity
To sum up The EU is having an interest to the Arctic, this means EU contributions to all levels and activities, both political and instrumental – the wave is coming and it may be a one time deal at this magnitude we need each other – as together we will seek opportunities and tap into the financial instruments