Article III The Judicial Branch A.K.A. The Federal Judiciary
General Info. On Judicial Branch Primary job is to interpret the law Important check on other branches Shielded from public opinion People don’t elect federal judges, they are appointed by Pres./Executive Branch Only job is to determine what is or is not Constitutional and lawful
Characteristics of Judicial Branch Debate 2 sides of an actual controversial issue Federal judges decide cases, not prosecute Does not intervene in gov’t operations, just decides if what gov't. is doing is Constitutional
Duties of Judicial Branch Federal courts are only used in the following instances… When U.S. is a party b/w 2 or more states b/w state & citizens of another state b/w citizens of the same state involving national issues
Types of Federal Courts Level 1: District Courts- trial courts where all federal cases begin. These courts make the primary decisions on major violations of the laws. Level 2: Circuit Court of Appeals-Judges in these courts are bound by precedents, can only resolve cases that have been decided by district courts; their decisions are usually final, less than 1% are appealed to the Supreme Court. Level 3: Supreme Court- only court mentioned in the Constitution, considered a “court of last resort.” Once the Supreme Court decides, the case is over. Eight associate justices ($208,100), and one chief justice ($217, 400).
Department of Justice Justice Department is actually part of executive branch (President’s Cabinet) but works in conjunction w/ federal courts Led by U.S. Attorney General, assisted by Solicitor general Solicitor general represents the gov’t in Supreme Court cases 94 U.S. attorneys represent gov’t in lower courts All of these people are appointed by Pres and confirmed by Senate