MS811Material Thermodynamics (3 Credit Hours Course) Prof. Nasir Ahmad Lecture 6-Mostly Revision for Exam: Wednesday, 25 November 2009 Lecture 7-Carnot Cycle: Wednesday, 2 nd December 2009 Contact: Office Phone: ME –Material Thermodynamics-811-Lecture Notes-FALL2009- (Dr. Nasir Ahmad)
MS 811 (3 CH) Material Thermodynamics Course Contents: Concepts of Helmholtz Free Energy and Gibbs Free Energy, Energy-Property relationships, Thermal Equilibria, Chemical Equilibria, Ellingham Diagrams, 1 st order and 2 nd order Transformations, Gibbs Helmholtz Relationships, Fugacity and Chemical activity, Equilibrium constant and its variation with temperature, Vant Hoff’s equation, Effect of temperature and pressure on phase transformations, Clapeyron equation, Thermodynamics of solutions, Gibbs- Duhem relationship, Thermodynamic properties and equilibrium phase diagrams, Mixing functions, Excess functions, Phase Rule, Gibbs free Energy and Entropy Calculations of Phase transformation, Typical Equilibrium Phase Diagrams, Statistical Methods in thermodynamics. Reading: Thermodynamics of Materials (David V. Ragone) Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials (D. R. Gaskell) Thermodynamics, an Advanced Text for Material Scientists (J. Hudson) 3
Equation of State From First Law We also know, 4
Useful Approximation of of heat capcities of elemental gases at low pressure. For a monoatmic ideal gas, such as Helium R is a constant, equal to joules per Kelvin or calories per degree Celsius, that is the constant of proportionality (R) in the equation Pressure × Volume = n (number of moles) × (R) × Temperature, relating the pressure and volume of a quantity of gas to the absolute temperature. 5
First Law of Thermodynamics Conservation of Energy Says Nothing About Direction of Energy Transfer
Second Law of Thermodynamics Preferred (or Natural) Direction of Energy Transfer Determines Whether a Process Can Occur
Second Law of Thermodynamics Three Types of Thermodynamic Processes Natural (or Irreversible) Impossible Reversible
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Physical Processes That Proceed in One Direction But Not The Other Tends Towards Equilibrium Equilibrium Only At End of Process
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Free Expansion of Gas Valve Closed Vacuum Gas
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Free Expansion of Gas Valve Open Gas Increase in Entropy Equilibrium Gas
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Thermal Conduction HotCold dQ
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Thermal Conduction Warm Increase in Entropy Equilibrium
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Conversion of Potential & Kinetic into Internal Energy Steel Ball
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Conversion of Potential & Kinetic into Internal Energy Inelastic Collision Warmer
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Examples Conversion of Potential & Kinetic into Internal Energy Inelastic Collision Tends Towards Equilibrium Increase in Entropy Warmer
Natural (or Irreversible) Process Equilibrium Time independent Properties do not change with time Valve Open Gas Gas Warm Warmer
Impossible Process Physical processes that do not occur naturally Process that takes system from equilibrium
Impossible Process Examples Free Compression of Gas Valve Open Gas Gas
Impossible Process Examples Free Compression of Gas Valve Open Vacuum Gas Decrease in Entropy
Impossible Process Examples Thermal Conduction Warm
Impossible Process Examples Thermal Conduction HotCold Decrease in Entropy
Impossible Process Examples Conversion of Potential, Kinetic and Internal Energy Warmer
Impossible Process Examples Conversion of Potential, Kinetic and Internal Energy Decrease in Entropy Warmer
Impossible Process Cannot Occur without Input of Work dW
Impossible Process System’s Entropy Decreases Total Entropy Increases dW Decrease in Entropy Increase in Entropy Environment
Reversible Process Reversal in direction returns substance & environment to original states
Reversible Process A conceptual process Idealized version of how things should be No processes are truly reversible
Reversible Process Useful concept Helps investigate Second Law and Entropy
Reversible Process Conditions that aid a reversible process Process occurs slow enough Each state of the system is in an equilibrium State variables reach equilibrium
The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy Distinction between a reversible and an irreversible process: reversible – one can reverse the process and cause the system and the environment both to return to their original condition irreversible – one can reverse the process and cause the system to return to its original condition, but the environment will have suffered a change from the original condition