{ Lent
40 days before Easter, which the church uses to prepare for the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Reminds us what Jesus has done for us. Lent is the old English word for “spring” also word for “March”. Lent is the Church’s springtime during which we start “fresh”. – Prepares us for Baptism. What is Lent?
40 days is the number of disciples, devotion, and preparation in the bible. Moses stayed on the Mountain of God 40 days. (Ex: 24:18, 34:28) Elijah traveled 40 days before he reached the cave where he had a vision. ( 1King 19:8) Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness praying and fasting. (Matt 4:2) Why is Lent 40 days long?
Ashes are the biblical symbol for mourning and penance. Usually made from blessed palms. In biblical times, the custom was to fast, wear sackcloth, sit in dust and ashes, and put dust and ashes on one’s head. Day of fasting (penance) Reminds of of mortality – “remeber that you are dust” Ashes/ Ash Wednesday
In Rome and in the West, people fasted for six weeks, Monday through Saturday, thereby making Lent last for six weeks. Eventually, the practice prevailed of fasting for six days a week over the course of six weeks, and Ash Wednesday was instituted to bring the number of fast days before Easter to 40. The rules of fasting varied- Some people fast from all meat and meat products, and some fast from only meat. The general rule was for a person to have one meal a day, in the evening or at 3 p.m. Rules for Fasting
“I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” (Daniel 10: 1-3) Giving things up encourages us to be humble and free ourselves from depending on things. Fasting also teaches us about sacrifices. Is there a biblical basis for fasting from meat?
Jesus died for our sins on a Friday, making it a day of mourning. We fast from things we enjoy or do acts of penance to show that we are sorry for our sins. Sundays are holy days which we are required to worship and celebrate. Why are Fridays during Lent days of abstinence?
Customarily, No. However, it is nice to continue to fast on these days to show your commitment and dedication to God. Giving up something is voluntary. Sunday is a day of celebration (not excessively during Lent). Since Sundays are not counted in the 40 days of Lent, does the custom of giving up something apply to them?
Sundays during Lent commemorate special events in the life of our Lord. Transfiguration/ Entrance into Jerusalem on Palm (Passion) Sunday- Begin Holy Week Holy Thursday- Christ celebrated first mass Good Friday- Christ was crucified Holy Saturday- Last day of Lent Easter Sunday- Resurrection and first day after Lent Lenten Timeline
1. What is one thing you learned about Lent? 2. How can you apply what you learned to your life? Socrative Questions m.socrative.com
Peffley, Francis, Fr. "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Lent." Holy Spirit Interactive: Lent. Holy Spirit Interactive, n.d. Web. 10 Mar Bibliography