G.L. 4 - Action Verbs Action verbs tell what the subject is or does. A sentence can contain more than one action verb. Action verbs make writing more vivid and more precise. Diagramming simple subjects and simple predicates. See notes on board.
G.L. 5 - Capitalizing Proper Nouns A common noun doesn’t name a specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. Proper nouns require a capital letter. Common nouns that are part of a proper noun are capitalized. Small words that are part of a proper noun are not capitalized unless they are the first or last word.
G.L. 6 - Verb Tense Tense means time. Verbs tell us what action is occurring and when it is happening. Verb tense, or form, changes to show when the action takes place. Three verb tenses: Present Past Future
Present Tense Present tense is action that is happening now. Add an s to the verb when it is singular. Do not add s to singular verbs when the pronoun is I or you. When verbs end in s, x, z, ch, or sh, add es when the subject is singular. When a verb ends in a consonant and a y, change the y to i and add es for a singular form.
Past Tense Past tense shows action that has already happened. Add ed to form the past tense of regular verbs. When one-syllable verbs end in a consonant, double the consonant and add ed. When a verb ends in e, drop the e and add ed.
Errors to Avoid Don’t use present tense form for past tense verbs. Do not use past and present tense in same phrase.