Latin Index Card Project You may give this first card whatever title and decoration you want.
Nouns Cases and their uses
Back of Subject Card usually first word in sentence requires a 3 rd person verb (ending in –t or –nt) must agree in number with the verb singular singular plural plural
Subject Complement AKA Predicate Nominative
Back of Subject Complement can either be an adjective or a noun used with linking verb usually with sum but sometimes after a verb of naming or calling
Direct Object
back of direct object only with transitive verbs a transitive verb is an action verb and the direct object is the item that receives that action
First Declension
back of first declension a noun belongs to first declension when the genitive singular is –ae nouns of the first declension are usually feminine in gender except for the pain words (poeta, nauta, agricola, and incola) -a -ae -am -ā -ae -arum -is -as -is
Second Declension
back of second declension a noun belongs to the second declension when the genitive singular is –i -us -i -o -um -o -i -orum -is -os -is
back of adjectives Must agree in CASE NUMBER and GENDER usually follow the noun they modify
Adjectives of size/quantity
back of size/quantity adjectives to describe size and quantity usually go in front of the nouns they modify multus, multa, multum – much, many parvus, parva, parvum – small magnus, magna, magnum – big, great
back of conjunctions et – and sed – but quod - because
Asking Questions
back of questions ubi – where/when? -ne – asks a yes or no questions an enclitic (meaning it gets put on the end of a word) is attached to first word in sentence
Verb Identification
back of verb indentification person – 1, 2, or 3 number – singular or plural tense – present, future, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect, future perfect mood – indicative (statement or question), imperative (command) voice – active (subject does the action) or passive (the subject is acted upon)
Conjugation Identification
back of conjugation identification 1 st conj. – 1 st pp ends in –o, 2 nd pp ends in –are 2 nd conj. – 1 st pp ends in –eo, 2 nd pp ends in -ere
-o (-m) -s -t -mus -tis -nt Personal Active Endings (normal endings)
Indicative mood
back of present 1 st and 2 nd conjugation cut off –re to make present stem add personal endings I __________, I do ___________, I am ____________ing