Agreements In your groups, on your A-2 paper I want you to individually to spend 2 minutes writing all the reasons why you are suspicious about JFK’s death. Each person will write their answers in one of the corners of the sheet. You are going to be given 2 minutes to write in the circle the things that you ALL agree on are suspicious. If you don’t ALL agree you can’t include it in your “consensus circle”
Today, 51% of people argue that the CIA was responsible for the murder of John Kennedy. The idea was first put forward by the District Attorney of Dallas, Jim Garrison. He believed in the idea so passionately that he tried to take the CIA to court over the murder of JFK!
The CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency, and is America’s secret service. Everyone knows the broad outline of what the CIA does, but its actual activities are kept secret, even from the President. It is the job of the secret service to use covert means to protect the country. This includes both defensive measures, such as spying on a country’s enemies, and aggressive, such as trying to overthrow unfriendly governments. It is the aggressive sort which the CIA is most closely associated with. The CIA has been known to pay assassins to carry out “hits” on leaders of “unfriendly governments” SUSPECT 2: The C.I.A.
The FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI work as a National Police Force. They deal with crimes that involve multiple states in America. For example, dealing with gangsters and organised crime, nationwide bank robberies, fraud and drug smuggling to name but a few. Their methods involve bugging phones and spying on people they suspected of committing crimes. The FBI can take over a crime scene from the local police, if they can argue that the case is in the “national interest” SUSPECT 3: The F.B.I.
FBI – National police force for the whole of America. They would not usually investigate murder so it is unusual that they investigated Kennedy’s. CIA – America’s secret service responsible for carrying out spying and killing the leaders of foreign governments who disagreed with America. The conspiracy theory is that Kennedy was killed by the American government. It argues that the CIA killed Kennedy and then the FBI covered it up.
I want you to put together a case to prove that the CIA were responsible for the death of Kennedy and the FBI helped to cover it up. You need to look for MEANS MOTIVE OPPORTUNITY You need to come up with a hypothesis, of how the murder took place and how the evidence was covered up. You need to consider who you think might have been involved in the murder or cover up. This means putting all the pieces of the jigsaw together the best that you can and forming what you think is a sensible idea about the thing as a whole. Remember you might not have “all” the pieces of the jigsaw, but that shouldn’t stop you from hypothesising.
When organisations such as the CIA and the Mi5 are recruting peoiple for their organsisation they are looking for particular skills. They are looking for people who can make the right judgement/hypothesis based on the available evidence. However, they are also looking for the skills of independence, perseverance and team work. All of these skills I want you to develop this lesson. Top aid this there is going to be a scoring system. Your team will start with a total of 30 points. For every question you ask me, however, simple, your team will lost 10 points. For your team to get a jopb with the CIA your team will have to make make sure that the y at least finish on zero points.
Means to carry out assassination and cover up How we dealt with Conflict 1 – Oswald’s Brother Motive to carry out assassination and cover up How we dealt with Conflict 2 – Clint Hill Opportunity to carry out assassination and cover up How we dealt with Conflict 3 – Careless Talk
Hypothesis about the Assassination Hypothesis about the Cover up
Show the video clip from “Inside the Mind of Lee Harvey Oswald”: 0:01-1:12 2:55-3:31 7:15-7:55
Agent Hill later testified at the Warren Commission in 1964: “The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.” Clint Hill was a CIA agent who was riding in the car immediately behind the presidential limousine. As soon as the shooting began, Hill jumped out and began running to overtake the moving car in front of him to shield the President from further bullets. Hill grabbed a small handrail on the left rear of the boot of the car to shield the President. Hill did not reach the JFK in time, to shield him from the final fatal shot to the head. For the remaining journey to the hospital shielded JFK’s body from further shots. Hill was praised for his bravery in the Warren Commission and by JFK’s wife Jackie.
The FBI and the CIA were huge organisations. For example, by the end of the 1963, the FBI employed 6,703 special agents and 9,320 support personnel. The CIA has never revealed how many employees it has but it is thought to be similarly high. If so many people worked for the FBI and the CIA, surely news of the agencies involvement in the assassination would become public knowledge. It would be impossible to keep something as huge as the assassination of the President secret.
1.What is your hypothesis? 2. Are you happy with your hypothesis? Is it 100% watertight? 3. What do you think the weakest part of your hypothesis is? 4. What else would you like to know to help improve your hypothesis?
The CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency, and is America’s secret service. Everyone knows the broad outline of what the CIA does, but its actual activities are kept secret, even from the President. It is the job of the secret service to use covert means to protect the country. This includes both defensive measures, such as spying on a country’s enemies, and aggressive, such as trying to overthrow unfriendly governments. It is the aggressive sort which the CIA is most closely associated with. The CIA has been known to pay assassins to carry out “hits” on leaders of “unfriendly governments” SUSPECT 2: The C.I.A.
The FBI stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI work as a National Police Force. They deal with crimes that involve multiple states in America. For example, dealing with gangsters and organised crime, nationwide bank robberies, fraud and drug smuggling to name but a few. Their methods involve bugging phones and spying on people they suspected of committing crimes. The FBI can take over a crime scene from the local police, if they can argue that the case is in the “national interest” SUSPECT 3: The F.B.I.
FBI – National police force for the whole of America. They would not usually investigate murder so it is unusual that they investigated Kennedy’s. CIA – America’s secret service responsible for carrying out spying and killing the leaders of foreign governments who disagreed with America. The conspiracy theory is that Kennedy was killed by the American government. It argues that the CIA killed Kennedy and then the FBI covered it up.
In 1979, House Select Committee on Assassinations, reported that the FBI "failed to investigate adequately the possibility of a Government plot to assassinate the President". They also reported that the FBI “failed to share its information with other agencies and departments". William Greer was the driver of Kennedy’s limousine during the assassination. When studying the Zapruder film of the assassination it is noticeable that Greer did not accelerate the vehicle to get the president out of danger as soon as he could have. In the confusion after the first shot was fired, the limousine's brake lights can be seen coming on briefly, slowing the car to almost a walking pace. Greer is then seen in the Zapruder film to turn around and look at Kennedy. Only when the fatal shot was fired did Greer accelerate the car out of the danger zone. Greer was not disciplined for his lack of action during the shooting. Fifty eight witnesses said they heard shots coming from grassy knoll. The Warren Commission said they all were mistaken. Of the 58 witnesses, 30 witnesses have committed suicide, been murdered or died violently. Amateur Cameraman Orville Nix had taken a film which showed the Grassy Knoll. He gave the original film to the FBI and a copy to a friend. The original was lost by the FBI in The copy seems to show a shadowy figure firing from the Knoll. Two other privately made films were given to the FBI. One was lost. The FBI ruined all the relevant frames in the other one. An FBI agent was seen putting into his pocket a bullet found on Dealey Plaza. It was never seen again. Furthermore, according to medical staff at Dallas hospital, a bullet was taken from JFK’s body and given to FBI agents but was never seen again. Three “tramps” discovered in a railway carriage near the grassy knoll, claimed they were homeless tramps. The three "tramps" appeared to be well-dressed and clean-shaven, seemingly unlikely for tramps. What is interesting is that the Dallas police had quickly released the tramps from the police station without investigating whether they might have witnessed the assassination. The Dallas police lost their records of their arrests,, their mugshots and their fingerprints Even in 2011, The CIA, the FBI and the US Army all refuse to release their files on the assassination of John F. Kennedy
C IA Agent Kellerman was the nearest agent to the President during the attack. Kellerman was trained to use his own body as a shield, taking a bullet if necessary in the line of duty. In the Zapruder film, he can be seen turning his entire body to view Kennedy at a time when the president shows distress. Then, he turns back around to face forward in a relaxed position, which he maintains as the remaining shots are fired into the president and the limo speeds away from the scene. Kellerman's report states that he was with the president without interruption from the moment Kennedy’s limousine left the Airport when it first arrived, through the entire autopsy and embalming and up until the president's remains were brought back to the White House. In photographs, it is Kellerman who is seen directing the casket onto Airforce One. Kellerman testified that he played a role in the autopsy at Bethesda. He also took personal control of the x-rays and photographic negatives at the conclusion of the autopsy.
On 22nd November, 1963, Mary Moorman and her friend, Jean Hill, watched the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy from the grassy knoll facing the Texas School Depository Building. Moorman, was taking Polaroid pictures of the motorcade, were only a few feet away from President John F. Kennedy when he was shot. Hill and Moorman were sure the shots had come from the grassy knoll and as soon as the firing stopped they ran towards the wooden fence in an attempt to find the gunman. However, they were detained by two men, who claimed they were in the secret service. After searching the two women they confiscated the picture of the assassination. The picture has never been recovered, or come to light since.