10-2 Muscular System Gross Anatomy Chapter 11
10-3 General Principles Tendons: Attach muscles to bones –Aponeurosis: A very broad tendon Muscles –Origin or head: Muscle end attached to more stationary of two bones –Insertion: Muscle end attached to bone with greatest movement –Belly: Largest portion of the muscle between origin and insertion –Synergists: Muscles that work together to cause a movement Prime mover: Plays major role in accomplishing movement Agonist: Muscle causing an action when contracts Antagonist: A muscle working in opposition to agonist –Fixators: Stabilize joint/s crossed by the prime mover
10-4 Muscle Shapes
10-5 Muscle Shapes
10-6 Nomenclature Muscles are named according to: –Location: pectoralis gluteus, brachial –Size: maximus, minimus, longus, brevis –Shape: deltoid, quadratus, teres –Orientation: rectus –Origin and insertion: sternocleidomastoid, brachioradialis –Number of heads: biceps, triceps –Function: abductor, adductor, masseter
10-7 Muscle Movements Muscle contractions are a pull or force by relative positions of –Lever: Rigid shaft or bone –Fulcrum: Pivot point or joint –Weight or resistance
10-8 Classes of Levers Class I –Fulcrum between force and weight –Seesaw or head movement Class II –Weight is between fulcrum and pull –Wheelbarrow, standing on toes Class III –Pull located between fulcrum and weight –Person using a shovel –Most common
10-9 Muscle Anatomy: Anterior View
10-10 Muscle Anatomy: Posterior View
10-11 Muscles of the Neck
10-12 Muscles of Facial Expression
10-13 Muscles of Mastication
10-14 Muscles of Respiration
10-15 Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
10-16 Muscles of Pelvic Floor and Perineum
10-17 Muscles of the Arm
10-18 Muscles of the Forearm
10-19 Muscles of the Thigh
10-20 Muscles of the Leg
10-21 Muscles of the Leg
10-22 Muscles of the Foot