Skeletal System. The framework of your body and it is made of 206 living bones (300 in babies)


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Presentation transcript:

Skeletal System

The framework of your body and it is made of 206 living bones (300 in babies)

5 Functions of the skeletal system 1. Gives shape and support to your body

2. Protects your internal organs =

3. Muscles attached to your bones help you move

4. Marrow in the center of bones makes blood cells (2.5 million/second)

5.Bones store calcium and phosphorus for our body - Ca helps our heart and muscles work -P helps our cells produce and store energy -When stored in our bones, Ca and P help make bones stronger

Joints Any place where 2 or more bones come together. Ligaments hold the bones together

5 types of joints 1.Immovable joint (little or no movement)-skull

2.Ball and Socket (circular motion)-hip and shoulder

3. Pivot (twisting motion)-forearm

4. Hinge (one direction)- elbow and knee

5. Gliding (bones slide past each other)- wrist

Muscular System

Over 600 muscles make movement possible

2 Functions of the Muscular System 1. Helps your body move

2. Produces heat for your body (through exercise or shivering)

2 Types of Muscles 1. Voluntary muscles- muscles you control

2. Involuntary muscles- muscles you cannot consciously control

3 types of muscle cells

1. Skeletal- moves your bones, voluntary

2. Cardiac- only found in heart, involuntary

3. Smooth- Found in intestines and other internal organs, involuntary Animation of your esophagus squeezing food towards your stomach

Muscles work in pairs to help you move One contracts (tightens) and the other relaxes