Rio Rancho High School Band Program Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Agenda Marching Band Overview –Schedule –Fees, policies, etc. –Dates –Questions? RRHS Band Program –Forms –Fees –Handbook –Calendar –Questions?
Rio Rancho High School Marching Band Meets every day AFTER school 2:45-4:15 (Wednesdays, 1:45-3:15) Counts as a class –Earns a grade and.5 credit –2 seasons satisfy PE requirement. Competitive Season lasts from July 23 until October 24, Non-competitive events into December Color Guard Placements –Monday, May 4-Friday, May 8 Drumline Placements –Monday, May 4-Friday, May 8 Rookie Camps in Spring: –Tuesday, May 53:45-4:45 PMRookies –Wednesday, May 6 2:45-3:45 PMRookies
Marching Band (cont.) Fee: $ Covers music, travel, clinicians, snacks, some meals, etc. Does NOT cover: Personal items (Gloves, marching shoes, reeds, sticks, mallets, etc.) All fees are paid to the Band Boosters; should be paid by check or money order and submitted to the safe. Due dates: August 15 September 15 October 15 November 15
Marching Band (cont.) Attendance –As in any class, attendance is mandatory for marching band rehearsals. This includes Band Camp, all extra rehearsals, weekend performances, out-of-town trips, etc. –Marching Band is a team effort that relies on the daily participation of every single member. –If you know of a conflict now, please let Mr. Schmidt know before May 8. –Neither homework nor work is an excuse for missing marching band rehearsals.
Marching Band (cont.) Attendance (cont.) –Students are given three excused absences per season for regular rehearsals to cover illness. –After three rehearsals, the attendance grade is lowered and the student may be replaced with an alternate. –Performances are the goal of marching band. Attendance at ALL performances (football games, parades, competitions, etc.) is expected.
Marching Band (cont.) Grading –50% of the marching band grade is based on attendance. –50% of the marching band grade is based on memorized music.
Marching Band (cont.) Band Camp –Thursday, July 23-Thursday, August 6 –8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily (lunch from noon- 1:30 PM) –First day (July 23) is for Rookies and section leaders only. –Full band: July 24-August 6
Marching Band (cont.) Band Camp (cont.) –Medical Release/Trip Authorization Form –Water bottle –Sunscreen –Hat –Sunglasses –Tennis shoes with proper support –Light, cool clothing –Instrument, music, etc. –Sack lunch or arrangements to go out for lunch (lunch provided on Thursday, July 23)
Marching Band (cont.) How do I join the Marching Band? –Attend Pre-Camp (required) –Complete the Band Enrollment Verification form and return with $50 deposit by Friday, May 8. –Remain eligible!
Marching Band (cont.) Dates Football game schedule: –Friday, September 4 –Friday, September 11 –Friday, October 16 –Friday, November 6 Legacy Festival: September 26 Pageant of Bands: October 17 Zia Marching Band Fiesta: October 24 Winterfest Parade (TBD)
Marching Band (cont.) Questions?
RRHS Bands Overview Three concert bands –Wind Symphony –Symphonic Band –Concert Band Two Jazz Bands –Jazz I –Jazz II One Marching Band
RRHS Bands Overview (cont.) Other opportunities –All-State –Honor Band –AYS/AYO –Solo & Ensemble –Pep Band –Southwest Honor Band –Jazz All-State
RRHS Bands Goal of Program Same as district at large: Student excellence
RRHS Bands Important Resource! Band Web site Click on “Schools” (RRHS) Click on “RRHS Community” Click on “Fine Arts” Click on “RRHS Band Boosters”
RRHS Bands Web site contains: Contact numbers and Music Secretary contact Band Handbook Booster Board officers and contacts Calendar Important announcements Music, drill coordinates, etc. Required forms
RRHS Bands Required Forms Medical Release/Trip Authorization –Must be filled out and notarized Band Information Sheet Media Waiver All forms due first day of Band Camp or first day of school
RRHS Bands Fees Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Concert Band: $150 Jazz Band:$25
RRHS Bands Concert Uniform Men –School tuxedos (provided) –Black, calf-length socks –Black DRESS shoes Women –Black dress (provided) –Black DRESS shoes
RRHS Bands School-owned instruments Students may use. $40 per year cleaning fee Repairs are students’ responsibility. Mouthpieces must be supplied by students. Instruments must be checked in at end of school year for inspection and repair.
RRHS Bands Percussion Percussion must supply all mallets and sticks. –Stick bag –Snare sticks –Acrylic mallets –Hard rubber mallets –Yarn mallets –Timpani sticks –Triangle beaters –Triangle clips
RRHS Bands Attendance As with any cooperative effort, attendance in band classes, extra rehearsals and performances is required and expected. A student’s grade will be lowered for excessive absences. The directors must hear from a student or his or her parent BEFORE missing a performance for the absence to be considered excused. Directors reserve the right not to excuse the absence.
RRHS Bands Grading A student’s grade will be determined from a combination of a student’s quizzes, performances and daily participation. Directors of ensembles will set the exact method of calculating grades.
RRHS Bands Lettering A Band Letter is earned primarily through auditioning for ensembles (e.g., All-State, Honor Band) The Lettering Form will be available online. Students should print off the form and keep track of their efforts throughout the year.
RRHS Bands Jazz Bands Auditions occur in the fall. Audition music will be available during Band Camp. Auditions will take place the first or second week of school.
RRHS Bands Pep Band Pep Band is voluntary. Students may sign up for Pep Band and receive a letter or bar. Pep Band members must commit to all games at which a band will be present.
RRHS Bands Fundraising Money should never be an impediment to participation in any band activity. Boosters run fundraising activities. Each student has an individual account. Individual accounts may be used to pay all band fees, or used for instrument purchase, lessons, etc.
RRHS Bands Important Contact Information Kurt Schmidt, Director of Bands Matt Casarez, Associate Band Director Angie Alire, Music Department Secretary
RRHS Bands Questions?
Thank you all for coming!