USING STEWARDSHIP AUTHORITY TO ADVANCE RESTORATION Mae Lee Hafer Regional Stewardship Coordinator Collaborative Restoration Workshop April 26, 2016
What is our stewardship contracting authority? Section 8205 of Public Law , the Agricultural Act of 2014 (a.k.a. Farm Bill) grants the Forest Service permanent authority to enter into stewardship contracting projects for up to 10 years with private persons or public or private entities, by contract or by agreement, to perform services to achieve land management goals for the national forests that meet local and rural community needs.
7 Land Management Goals of Stewardship: 1.Road and trail maintenance or decommissioning to restore or maintain water quality. 2.Soil productivity, habitat for wildlife and fisheries, or other resource values. 3.Setting of prescribed fires to improve the composition, structure, condition and health of stands or improve wildlife habitat. 4.Removing vegetation or other activities to promote healthy forests, reduce fire hazards, or achieve other land management objectives. 5.Watershed restoration and maintenance. 6.Restoration and maintenance of wildlife and fish habitat. 7.Control of noxious weeds and exotic weeds, and re- establishment of native plant species.
Ability to bundle several contracts into one and treat at a larger landscape scale Ability to trade goods for services Contract terms of up to 10 years Up-front collaboration with government (Federal, State, local), Tribal governments, local communities, non-governmental organizations, and interested groups or individuals There are organizations interested in completing restoration treatments through an agreement Best value contracting Could the proposed project utilize one or more of the following stewardship opportunities?
4 Instruments under the Stewardship Authority 1. Integrated Resource Timber Contracts (IRTCs): These contracts combine product removal and service work where the value of goods (timber) exceeds the cost of services.
2. Integrated Resource Service Contracts (IRSCs): These contracts combine product removal and service work where the cost of services exceeds the value of the goods (timber). 4 Instruments under the Stewardship Authority
A stewardship service contract is prepared in the same manner as a regular service contract. There is no product removal with these contracts. Activities must be part of an approved stewardship proposal. 3. Stand-alone Service Contracts: 4 Instruments under the Stewardship Authority
4. Stewardship Agreements: Stewardship agreements are used when both parties contribute resources to the accomplishment of mutually beneficial projects when mutual interest exists. Agreements may include product removal. 4 Instruments under the Stewardship Authority
COLLABORATION A very important part of stewardship Identify and involve relevant stakeholders and seek early involvement Design a strategy to conduct an open, inclusive and transparent process Plan for implementation and evaluation as part of the collaborative effort
So why use Stewardship? Exchange goods for services Contracts awarded using Best Value criteria Collect retained receipts to use on stewardship projects in other areas Contracts and agreements can last up to 10 years Can use less than full and open competition with Regional Forester approval Can free up appropriated dollars to fund personnel Can leverage a partner’s resources to accomplish work