Shared Services SA SA TENDERS AND CONTRACTS Shared Services SA Presented by Glenn Dawson, Principal Consultant Electronic Procurement Services
Shared Services SA 2 History of SA Tenders and Contracts Established in November 1997 Advertises all Government Business Opportunities - goods, works, services. Enabled electronic download of tender specifications. Copy of Western Australian (WA) site. Electronic Lodgment Service (ELS) introduced in October 1999 Enabled electronic submission of tender responses. Functionality passed back to WA. Contract Disclosure added in July 2001 Discloses information about contracts awarded by the South Australian Government.
Shared Services SA 3 History of SA Tenders and Contracts New Website launched in April 2003 Some additional functionality and new look and feel. Local Government Association started using the application. Intec Pty Ltd rebuild and site support. Technology Update in October 2007 Alignment of technology to Government Standards. Western Australian Government in March 2009 Deed of License agreement to use the site (including WA specific enhancements. Site is now in use - Site (security) enhancements adopted in SA.
Shared Services SA 4 History of SA Tenders and Contracts Current activity - May 2009 Queensland Government site and Victorian Government site currently in Development. Benefits possible for all in collaborating on future development of the site.
Shared Services SA 5 Statistics past 12 months (May 08 - April 09) Tenders Released: 117 per month (including 37 Council tenders) Tender Documents downloaded: 4,500 per month Tenders Using Electronic Tender boxes: 50 per month Tender Responses Uploaded: 120 per month Incoming s handled: 175 per month No of incoming calls handled: 265 per month Average Call Duration: 103 seconds each
Shared Services SA 6 Site Administration Central Systems Administration Group Central team of 3 Staff – 1 Manager and 2 Administrators, who look after two applications – estimate 50% of effort. Responsible for the overall operation of the site. Liaise with internal technology providers and Intec Pty Ltd. Provide Helpdesk for all users (Government Agencies and external suppliers) via central account and dedicate phone number. Will provide training to Agency Administrators (3 hours). Local Government Association (LGA) have a separate team that can provide Administrative functionality for LGA Agencies (Council Offices). Load detail on behalf of Agencies that do not have their own Agency Administrators (both tenders and contract disclosures).
Shared Services SA 7 Site Administration Agency Administrators Responsible for managing all content, for their Agency and sub Agencies, on the site. Upload and manage any tender documents. Monitor specific tender activity. Download and handle tender responses. Responsible for Contract Disclosure. Agencies have one or two staff, usually from their procurement unit, that do these tasks.
Shared Services SA 8 Site Administration Agency Clerk Allows a ‘receptionist’ to add details of people who have taken tender documentation in paper form (rarely used today). Agency Contact Agency staff that you wish to list on the site as a contact point for a specific tender (these people would rarely access the site). Respondent Users All external parties that can register and download tender documents and upload tender responses.
Shared Services SA 9 Implementation Issues It’s been a long time since we implemented! Locking site use to the Media Provider arrangements forced use of the site. Agency Administration should be done by one or two staff who learn how the application works. Your Central Systems Administration Group must know how the application works. The Central Systems Administration Group can then login as an Agency Administrator to fix issues. We have used JAVA and WINZIP on the site and this had caused some issues for users (internal and external) as they may not have the software on their computers. Expect a large number of calls on initial implementation of the site. This does slow one people get used to the site. Enhancements will often cause a new spike in enquiries.
Shared Services SA 10 Operational Issues Thorough User Acceptance Testing is required. Establish User Group – for feedback and future direction setting. National Working Group? Consider testing from more than one location to cater CBD versus Country connection speeds. Measure your s and phone calls to the Central Systems Administrators so that you can identify issues. Major user issue – User can’t register as the company is already established. Look for the family business computer experts! Thankyou.