Lesson GH1. 2.5
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, handout “Socrates, Plato and Aristotle” HW# 2.5: read pp , questions p119#3-5 Vocabulary: logic, rhetoric, tragedy, comedy Do Now: What type of person do you think should be in charge? To apply it to our lives, what type of president would you vote for?
Source Analysis (10 mins) Socrates, Plato and Aristotle Close read the document (circle unknown words, underline important information, put notes on the left comments and questions on the right
In pairs answer the two questions on the bottom of the handout Compare and Contrast the philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Which of the quotes (A,B,C) do you agree with? Explain your answer
Contradictions Metaphysical Scrutiny Perceptible Contemplate Relativism skepticism
SocratesPlatoAristotle Concepts of guiding our lives so we know the truth of everything else Debated on whether or not there were other realms Our ability to reason is what separates us from other animals Know our reality so we know our lives and situations