European Studies (Module offerings subject to Changes) DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES ENG LANG & LITEN2201Backgrounds to Western Literature and Culture (Sem 2)TS3231History and Theory of Western Theatre HISTORYEU1101EMaking of Modern Europe EU2221/HY2245Empires, Colonies and Imperialism EU4214/HY4212Special Paper in Modern European History EU4225/HY4226European Intellectual History HY4230Historiography and Historical Method (Sem 2)EU1101EMaking of Modern Europe EU3230/HY3209Cold War in Europe, EU3212/HY3227Europe of the Dictators EU3231/HY3242Modern Imperialism EU4224/HY4205War and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe
European Studies DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES PHILOSOPHYPH2206Founders of Modern Philosophy PH2222Greek Philosophy (Socrates and Plato) PH4213Comparative Philosophy (Sem 2)PH2207Hume and Kant PH3213Knowledge, Modernity, and Global Change PH3222Greek Philosophy (Aristotle) PH4206A Major Philosopher PH4210Topics in Western Philosophy POLITICAL SCIEU2203/PH2203Ancient Western Political Thought PS4201Contemporary Political Theory
European Studies DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES PS4213International Political Theory PS4217EMajor Political Thinkers: Oakeshott (Sem 2)EU2204/PS2204Modern Western Political Thought PS3267German Political Thought EU4227A/PS4217AMajor Political Thinkers: Plato and Rousseau EU4228/PS4218European Foreign Policy PS4231Social Theory and International Relations GLOBAL STUDIES (Sem 1 & 2) GL2101Origins of the Modern World CLSLAF1201French 1 LAF2201French 2
European Studies DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES LAF3201French 3 LAF4201French 5 LAG1201German 1 LAG2201German 2 LAG3201German 3 LAG4201German 5 LAS1201Spanish 1 LAS2201Spanish 2 LAS3201Spanish 3
European Studies DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES (Sem 2)LAF1201French 1 LAF2201French 2 LAF3202French 4 LAF3203French for Specific Purposes LAF4202French 6 LAG1201German 1 LAG2201German 2 LAG3201German 3 LAG3202German 4 LAG3203German for Specific Purposes
European Studies DEPARTMENTMODULESTITLES LAG4202German 6 LAS1201Spanish 1 LAS2201Spanish 2 LAS3202Spanish 4 * Spanish language is only offered to Cohort 2015 and after.