Dianna Irving My Introduction EDU 673 Instruction Strategies for Differentiated Teach and Learn
My name is Dianna Irving I currently reside in Virginia. I’ve lived in Virginia since I was three years old. My family is originally from North Carolina. I am very excited to be in my 3 nd class and looking forward to completing my assignments and getting to know my classmates. Things that are very important to defining who I am are my family, religion and Educational Experiences. I also love to travel
How and when I chose to earn a Masters Degree I actually chose to earn a Masters Degree 10 years ago but it took me 10 years to get the confidence and nerve to actually apply. I wanted to make a career change but still remain in education. I feel it is very important to set an example for my daughter. I am very active at my church along with my husband and daughter. My favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me.” I use this scripture to give me encouragement when I am stressed or feeling a little overwhelmed.
Passion for my Career Choice I attended all public schools in Fairfax County Virginia. My school experiences weren’t the best in elementary school or middle school as I reflect back then I did not have teachers that seemed like they genuinely cared about the students and helped the students develop a love for learning as I see many teachers do now. That is why it was so important for me to be in the education field. I wanted to make a difference in the lives of children in a positive way. Unfortunately I didn’t have a favorite teacher. My least favorite teacher was my 3 rd grade teacher because she scratched me. Woodley Hills Elementary School Stephen Foster Middle School West Potomac High School Associates Degree in Child Development, North Virginia Community College, Alexandria Va Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education, Concordia University, St. Paul Minnesota 2003 Ashford University 2014-present
If I could only eat one food for dinner for the rest of my life it would be Crab Legs! I love Seafood