The Child’s Journey Cheltenham GSCB Road shows 2012 Karen Goulding Service Manager FOD
How well do you know your Locality Cheltenham
How many children live in the Cheltenham? a) b) c) Answer c) 25630
How many CAF’s have been completed on children living in Cheltenham since April 2012? a) 37 b) 63 c) 91 Answer – a) 37
In the last 12 months how many contacts were about children in the Cheltenham? a) 2312 b) 2626 c) 2913 Answer- b- 2626
Of those contacts how many needed to have an initial assessment? a) 881 b) 992 c) 1024 Answer – a 881
How many children have a child protection plan in Cheltenham? a) 86 b) 107 c) 129 Answer b - 107
Quick recap - Munro May 2011 – Munro final report of three. What helps a professional make the best judgements they can to protect a vulnerable child? 15 Recommendations to implement ‘A child centred system’
Recommendations in a nutshell Government should review working together Inspection framework should look at the contribution of all partners including health, education, police, probation etc in the child’s journey LSCB’s have clear roles and accountability in terms of assessing the effectiveness of delivery and training LA’s and partners to secure sufficient provision of local early help for CYP Child should be at the centre of what we do
The case for early help Prevention will do more to reduce abuse and neglect than reactive services Co-ordination of services is important to maximise efficiency Good ways of identifying those children who are in need of early help and support.
“Safeguarding a child is best achieved by responding to need at the earliest stage. The best protection is often secured by providing the appropriate help in the most appropriate way at the most opportune time” Lord Laming Proposals Build services around families Intervene early Improve accountability
The ‘windscreen’ – A continuum of need, assessment and service delivery
What Children and Families say Parents, children and young people told us that when there are problems, they want to be able to get advice easily. They have also told us that they want to be able to get specialist support before things become a crisis. (Gloucestershire’s Children and Young People’s Plan 2009 – 2012)
What next? How well do we work together in the Cheltenham? Are we able to offer and provide early help? What can we do next?