02 March 2016 Defence Aviation Safety Regulation DASR Education Continuum
DASR Education Overview Concept Lead Assessor, Responsible Manager and Quality Manager Assessor and Certifying Staff Accountable Manager and Middle Management General Staff / Others Awareness Module Practitioner Domain Basic Module Advanced Context Assess Appointment / Role Levels of Training and Competency Notes: The Training and Competency Levels listed above are indicative for the respective appointments/role. Refer: DGTA-ADF U Note: except for the Awareness Module all other Modules relate to Airworthiness related DASRs - DASR M, 21, 145 (Aw DASR)
Future Aviation Regulator Environment Project: Initial Awareness packages were developed and presented by the Project Team. This material was supplemented by guided reading packages targeted at the general regulated community – Tier 1 (completed and available the DASP webpage) To supplement the above packages, contracted EASA/EMAR Parts 21 and M training - provided by ‘Baines Simmons’ – Tier 2 (initial) (initial training provided in Sep/Oct 15. Further ‘Baines Simmons Part 21 training maybe available April 16 (TBC)) Overview of training Development and Delivery
DAVREG-DGTA Following the Tier 1 and 2 training, it has been agreed to develop and deliver DASR courseware (managed by DAVREG-DGTA) in two phases (aligned to DASR release): Phase 1. To achieve the March 2016 delivery requirement, DASR M and 145 courseware has been developed based on desktop analysis. (Pilot course Feb 16, leading to full rate delivery) Phase 2. In accordance with the systems approach to Defence Learning, develop training needs and delivery options. Target for Phase 2 is December 2016 (aligned to formal release of DASRs). (Phase 2 will be managed as a Project by the DGTA-ADF Training Systems Team) Overview of training Development and Delivery
Replace the ACPA Airworthiness Training Course-CAMPUS or integrated into other courses DGTA-ADF Staff and Form 4 Position Holders (Similar construct for Parts 21, 145 etc) (Lead Auditors / Responsible Managers / Quality Manager) DASP/ DASR (Base, Operational and Technical) M (21/145) Indicative DASR Training Levels - Indicative Blended elements – relationship with DASR M Enterprise based - facilitate organisational transition - compliance to performance M - CAMO Aw DASR Basic (DGTA-ADF Staff and Organisational Middle Management/Certifying Staff) (targeted at all Defence Aviation Employment Groups – expand to cover all DASRs) Aw DASR Practitioner Aw DASR Advanced DASR Awareness
Entry level to technical training (technicians and engineer officers), DGTA-ADF staff and a lead for specialist training Form 4 position holders etc. Training Target To graduate personnel with an understanding and the application of Aw DASRs (M, 21 and 145). Aim To ensure Defence Aviation technical community has an understanding of Aw DASRs and their application to their domain. Purpose Aw DASR Basic Entry level to the Defence Aviation environment – all technical and non-technical personnel as well as aviation- related contractors. Training Target To graduate personnel with an overview of the purpose and structure of DASRs. Aim To ensure the Defence Aviation Community has a basic awareness of DASRs. Purpose DASR Awareness Aw DASR Training Continuum
Aw DASR Practitioner Purpose To ensure that DASR compliance in Defence aviation establishments is assessed by competent and knowledgeable assessors. Aims To graduate DASR assessors who are capable of analysing and explaining the intent of specific Aw DASRs (M, 21, and 145) to the regulated community. Training Target -Modules for personnel engaged in the application and assessment regulatory requirements for design (DASR 21), Maintenance (DASR 145) and Continuing Airworthiness Management (DASR M) of State Aircraft. - Military Airworthiness Review Certificates (MARC), a specialist Module for personnel engaged in the assessment and issue a MARC. - EMAR/Aw DASR Section B requirements - for DGTA- ADF staff only. Aw DASR Training Continuum cont’d
Aw DASR Advanced Purpose To ensure that the Defence aviation community is mentored by experts in the analysis, intent and application of DASRs. Aims To graduate personnel capable of: - optimising the application of DASRs from compliance to performance outcomes, and - mentoring and supporting DASR assessors and those involved in applying DASRs. Training Target DASR writers, deputy directors within DGTA-ADF, domain sponsors, lead auditors and senior post holders within DASR M, 21 and 145 environments. Aw DASR Training Continuum cont’d
Training Development Status DASR Awareness (CAMPUS) Aw DASR Basic (CAMPUS or FF) Develop TBA Currently DASP Webpage Only TBA Review Trial Adjust Release Deliver * The current awareness training is currently DASR(TECH) only and is at a level between the proposed ‘Awareness ‘ and ‘Basic’ modules *
DASR M Practitioner DASR 21 Practitioner DASR 145 Practitioner MARC Practitioner DASR Sect B Practitioner Develop 02 Feb 16TBA02 Feb 16TBA Review 19 Feb 1601 Mar 16 Trial Feb 16Contractor (Apr 16) 9-10 Mar 16 Adjust Mar 16 Release 15 Mar 1601 Mar 16 Deliver TBA Training Development Status
International Military Airworthiness Regulation Conference Melbourne, Australia November 2016 Presentations from Key Airworthiness Authorities and Industry on the benefits offered by an emerging global convention on military airworthiness regulation. Questions/Discussion?