DZero Monte Carlo Status, Performance, and Future Plans Greg Graham U. Maryland - Dzero 10/16/2000 ACAT 2000
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT DZero Monte Carlo Components GEANT-3 based hits simulation (D0gstar) Separate executable for digitization and pileup (D0Sim) Parameterized Monte Carlo Simulation (PMCS) Infrastructure for MC generation (MCC) Trigger Simulator/Emulator (Trigsim) D0 Reconstruction Program (D0Reco) –Won’t talk about here...
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Aside on DZero Code Dzero executables consist of packages running in a framework –Packages inherit hook methods –Framework calls hook methods of packages in well defined order Dynamic : Requirements Based Static : User defined order given at runtime Runtime parameters handled by RCP database system (M. Paterno) –RCP script files tied to code releases in CVS –Events are tagged with RCP ID’s
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Aside on DZero Object Model (D0OM) Persistency mechanism D0OM –“loosely” based on ODMG standards Supports CERN DSPACK as well as EVPACK I/O packages –EVPACK can attain factor of 2 compression over DSPACK
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Generators Pythia v6.129 –Upgrade soon to at least Isajet v7.44 Herwig v6.1 Special Purpose –Single Particle –Cosmic Ray – etc.
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT GEANT-3 Based Monte Carlo (D0gstar) GEANT 3.21 C++ wrappers around Fortran code Almost complete model of the DZero detector –FPD to be included when double precision GEANT-3 is integrated –Small detectors (i.e.- luminosity monitor) to be included soon
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Digitization Program (D0Sim) Includes packages to digitize hits in all detector systems in D0Gstar pileup package –Simulates pileup in all detector systems –Poisson or Constant sampling of Min Bias events –Simulates effects of noise in calorimeter and the baseline subtracting electronics
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Performance D0gstar/D0Sim Event Size (Pythia ttbar events) –D0gstar : 0.9 MB/ev –D0Sim : 1.0 MB/ev Event Time (200 MHz - Origin 2000) –D0gstar : 110 sec/evt (pmc ) –D0Sim : 80 sec/evt (psim ) These are still rough numbers while the issues of optimization and output are being resolved.
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Parameterized Monte Carlo (PMCS) Packages divided into three categories –FAST Track : High level physics objects Charged Particles, EM particles, Jets, Muons, Tau, Vertices –Medium Track : Quick simulation of some detectors Calorimeter, silicon –Slow Track : Detailed simulation of some detectors Calorimeter, silicon in more detail; showers
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Parameterized Monte Carlo (PMCS) The fast track has the highest priority. Chunk output makes PMCS compatible with other D0 tools –Visualization, Analyze on Fast Track objects –Some D0Reco packages with Medium, Slow Small packages facilitate the contribution of many towards PMCS –Maryland, Rochester, IN2P3 Lyon, TIFR
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Parameterized Monte Carlo (PMCS) Package based flexible output choices –D0 Chunks –Ntuples HBOOK or ROOT –ROOT Tree
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Parameterized Monte Carlo (PMCS) Performance (Pythia ttbar events, 200 MHz Origin 2000 machine) –22 events/sec Can do simple things well for now; but need muon package and vertices
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Dzero Monte Carlo Challenge Phase II : –Ended April 2000 –Generated over 1 million events –Worldwide Effort Phase III : –In progress Over 600K events so far processed by D0GSTAR
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Running Dzero Offline Executables Help for managing the MCC... mc_runjob : A package written in Python –Runs most D0 Offline Executables All of them in principle –Chains executables together Handles naming of input and output files Handles seed generation, run numbers, etc. –Macro Script driven => Regular way to specify processing steps !
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Mc_runjob –“Configurators” Run and configure each D0 Offline executable –The “Linker” Links Configurators Collects shell scripts that actually do the work –Macro scripts The Linker and Configurators obey a regular set of macro commands in macro scripts
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Inheritance Hierarchy –Inheritance is used to incorporate D0 specific configuration (ie - RCP, runtime environment, naming, SAM metadata) –Other special purpose configurators can handle the batch system, manage a list of files, etc.
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Graphical Support –While primarily a macro script driven tool, the mc_runjob inheritance hierarchy also provides core tools with GUI methods that build a GUI from information contained in the configurators themselves.
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Automatic Processing Request Handling System In MCC-II; Much of the work of generating events and keeping track was done by hand. In MCC-III; it still is, however … –Automatic processing tools are nearing completion Tracking in Oracle DB Tools to generate events, specify processing Tools to store/transport output
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Automatic Request Processing System
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Physics Process Specification Schema part of SAM system
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Automatic Request Processing Schema Schema part of SAM system
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Remote Processing Centers Monte Carlo simulation, digitization, and eventually some MC reconstruction will be handled offsite. Currently operating RPCs –UT Arlington; IN2P3, Lyon; NIKHEF, Amsterdam; Prague Future planned RPCs –Lancaster; Rio de Janeiro; TIFR Generated events will be stored with SAM We expect better than 100K events/day
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Trigsim A trigger emulator/simulator –Code run in trigsim will be the same code that runs in the actual trigger processors where applicable; including the L1 firmware Many packages –1 package for each L1/L2 trigger subsystem Dynamic framework –The processing order depends upon the input requirements of each package - the framework sorts it out
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Trigsim Status Production release Deadline : Nov 1, 2000 Currently in development releases : –L1/L2 cal, L1/L2 Muon, L1 FT, L2 STT –Framework for running tsim
10/16/2000Greg Graham - ACAT Future Plans Complete all functionality of D0gstar, D0Sim –Of course, this never really ends … –Optimize speed and size of output Complete functionality of PMCS –No production release planned yet Make the trigsim production release deadline Test the automatic processing system on the D0 Farm system and put into production –Will happen this week (I hope…)