Integration of the collection system and the Business Register system : Lessons learned, benefits achieved & opportunities created September 14, 2011 Session 2: Reducing respondent burden - the role of statistical business registers
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 Overview of presentation 1.Background 2.Strategy : Integration 3.Objectives 4.Integration of BR with collection system Benefits achieved Lessons learned Future opportunities 5.Summary / Conclusion
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3 Background Central Frame for all economic & institutional surveys –Industry & Activity based surveys More than 1,500 employees depend upon the BR to carry out their daily activities Simple, flexible & accessible by all −Open system - allowing frame users to perform updates Researching additional efficiencies
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4 Strategy: Integration Integration of BR with Collection system: Allowing “Live BR” access for collection staff Allowing “Live BR” updates to be performed by collection staff
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5 Objectives To increase efficiency & reduce frame maintenance cost −Reduce the number of manual interventions to process frame updates To improve frame quality / timeliness −Timely updates = improvement in frame accuracy To reduce response burden and improve client relation
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6 Benefits Achieved Accessibility to all BR information facilitates the work of the collection staff Accessibility to most recent information reduces the duplication of feedback Improved timeliness of updates = efficiencies Reduced burden & Improved respondent relations
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7 Lessons learned 1.A unique System Architecture Group directing developments is beneficial 2.Co-dependence of system > Only when required 3.Thorough training is essential
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 8 Opportunity Re-thinking the collection process model: Moving towards an Enterprise / respondent centric collection model With the objective of further reducing the response burden and further improve client relation
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 9 Current Developments Integration of collection system migration of all business surveys into new BCP / BR platform within the next 2 years Hook-up of more than 100 additional surveys - including all Activity based surveys Integration of Farm Register
18/06/2016 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 10 Conclusion / Summary Continuity of training & support to collection staff Build on the success of the integrated system Opportunities to re-think collection process model Moving towards an Enterprise / Respondent centric collection model