Dr. Richard Ford
Szor A.k.a. Stealth Viruses “How viruses hide”
Loosely, it’s trying to hide from your attacker In the same way as we use in “normal” language
Passive stealth might be not changing external attributes Active stealth requires the virus to take an “active” role in the process
Hiding in plain sight Basically, Windows has so many different places to hide code, sometimes you don’t need to hide it, just bury it
Semi-stealth: just hide the changes to the file length Quite easy – look at the power of the DOS and Windows API Requires a virus to be memory-resident
Can use code like Detours to hook the IAT Very flexible technique, which can be used completely transparently!
Return the “real” body of the file on reads/seeks Requires the virus to intercept calls to reads and can cause problems on writes
FRODO Problem: if the stealth is perfect… Can even go to Cluster and Sector-level stealth
Drawback of hooking Int 13h? Right! So… can hook Int 76h instead. Sneaky, eh? Also, could play with microcode