Curriculum for Excellence work towards a child becoming a confident individual/successful learner/effective contributor/responsible citizen Early – nursery to P1 First – P2 to P4 Second – P5 to P7
8 curriculum areas are: Languages Mathematics Health & Wellbeing Expressive Arts Religious and moral education Sciences Social studies Technologies
Languages Includes second language (French) Reading/Writing/Talking/Listening Spelling/Phonics – these aid reading and writing All areas are like a jigsaw - integrated North Lanarkshire Active Literacy Programme
Reading Book banding Short guided reads – walkthrough Common words and phonic words Fiction/Non-fiction Word Attack Strategies are taught 2 books per week Discuss pictures/text Encourage them to “read” books Written follow up tasks to asses comprehension and to develop written skills
Writing Daily writing linked to reading/spelling/phonemes Huge push on formation at the start – bad habits already established Website Doorway Online – great for showing correct formation and also ipad apps available Pencil grip important – triangular pencil used initially Some children – writing leads to frustration Weekly taught writing covering different genres
6 Genres Narrative (personal and imaginative writing) Persuasive Explanation Report Recount Instructional
Targets Core targets Captial letter Full stop Finger spaces Spelling
Spelling words introduced through a taught lesson Short daily activities Common words – linked to reading books/writing Dictated sentences Partner work/reciprocal teaching Short weekly test/Bigger test approximately every 4 weeks. Real test – every day use Spelling strategies taught These words will be sent home for homework and ideas on how to learn them Very important that children know these words as they form the basis of the next 6 years at school.
Phonics Taught separately from common words as some common words don’t necessarily fit in with this approach Letter sound/name taught initially North Lanarkshire programme followed Sound introduced through a song/story/picture Magnetic board work – daily – Say Make/Break Blend Read Write