Jamillah Gleason EDU 671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Dennis Lawrence Reading Literacy Action Research Proposal
My area of focus is improving reading literacy in grades 1st- 2nd.
Explanation of problem Students in First Grade are struggling with: Letter Recognition Phonemic Awareness Language Acquisition Reading comprehension Vocabulary
Variables 1.Sociocultural Influences 2.Group Differences 3.Individual Differences 4.Various Genres 5.Many different purposes of Reading
Research Questions 1.) Can matching books to readers and then providing strong instructional support provide the base for effective processing and reading? 2.) Can providing systematic instruction in phonemic awareness help students become avid readers?
Locus of Control control classroom and school setting. develop fluent readers curriculum that Is being implemented adaptive techniques
Intervention Pre-Assessment Oral Reading Read-Aloud Whole group instruction Think-Pair-Share Reading Centers Computer Apps
Innovation Starfall PBS KIDS Computer/Tablet Apps Read to me ABCya!
Group Membership Students Teachers Parents School Administrators
Negotiations Permission needs to be established from- administrative staff parents students fellow colleagues
Ethics Moral Biases Respect Privacy Responsibility Diversity
Timeline Duration of intervention 1.Whole school year no more than 30 minutes a day Phonemic awareness Identifying and making oral rhymes Identifying and working with syllables in spoken words Identifying and working with onsets and rimes in spoken syllables Teaching Strategies Small Group Large Group Instruction Activities Clapping syllables Word Pairs Blending and Segmenting Games
Timeline Contd: Phonics graphophonemic relationships letter-sound associations letter-sound correspondences sound-symbol correspondences sound-spellings Teaching Strategies small group one-on-one computer applications Hands-on techniques Activities Alphabet word and picture sort Blending and segmenting activities Word Hunt Analogy Books PBS KIDS
Timeline Contd: Vocabulary Teaching Strategies Direct Instruction Classroom Integration Group/Individual Work Activities Context clues Word Wall Match-up Word sorting Word splash Crossword puzzles Definitions Star-fall
Timeline Contd: Text Comprehension Teaching strategies A variety of alphabetic knowledge activities I Identify and name both upper case and lowercase letters. Games, songs, and other activities that help children learn to name letters quickly. Writing activities that encourage children to practice writing the letters they are learning. A sensible sequence of letter introduction Activities Word cards Sentence Building Interactive Charts Starfall Reading Fluency Teaching strategies Accuracy: Also known as automaticity, it refers to the person's ability to read words in a text. Rate: The speed a person reads. Prosody: Refers to stress, intonation, and pauses. Commonly known as "reading with feeling". Activities provide children with opportunities to read Introduce new or difficult words to children Model Fluency Encourage periodic timing of children's oral reading Partner reading Choral reading
Data Collection Research Questions Data Collection Tool Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match to what you are attempting to find and to measure? 1.Can matching books to readers and then providing strong instructional support provide the base for effective processing and reading? 1 Reading Assessment 2 Open-ended Question 3 Choral Reading Texts are matched to children’s reading ability so that the children read every day at their instructional level with teacher support as well as at their independent level with little or no support. 2. Can providing systematic instruction in phonemic awareness help students become avid readers? Practice Frequency Think Pair Share Post Test Lessons are designed to help children develop both phonemic awareness and phoneme discrimination skills.
Reference Borgia, E. (1996). Action Research in Early Childhood Education. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education Urbana IL. Retrieved from website Johnson, A (2008) Teaching Reading and Writing: A Guidebook for Tutoring and Remediating Students.Estofer Road, Playmouth: Rowman & Littlefield Education Mills, G. E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Nell, K.D, Pearson, D. P (2002)Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension. Retrieved from website file:///home/chronos/u- 8522f0ec300dc56ef2a87cd186b22f915363e771/Downloads/Effective%20Pra ctices%20for%20Developing%20Reading%20Comprehension.pdffile:///home/chronos/u- 8522f0ec300dc56ef2a87cd186b22f915363e771/Downloads/Effective%20Pra ctices%20for%20Developing%20Reading%20Comprehension.pdf