USD 259 K INDERGARTEN C URRICULUM A Message from Early Childhood Office
Read Well is a primary reading curriculum that adjusts to meet the needs of each student Read Well is… researched based an acceleration, prevention, and intervention program all in one uniquely designed in order to build a strong literacy foundation for students
R EAD W ELL W HOLE C LASS Alphabet Routines ( 10 minutes) – reinforces letter names, supports letter/sound associations & builds oral language through rhythm, rhyme and repetition ABC Wall Card Poem
R EAD W ELL W HOLE C LASS Read Aloud & Related Activities (40 minutes) – builds background knowledge and vocabulary, familiarizes students with story elements and structure, develops comprehension and makes connections. Unit Lap Book StoriesFiction & Nonfiction Stories
Placement Inventory determines student's reading level Multiple entry points ensure students begin instruction at an appropriate skill level Ongoing progress monitoring helps adjust instruction and re-group students as necessary R EAD W ELL S MALL G ROUP Small Group & Independent Work Time ( 60 minutes) – designed to meet students where they are and provide independent appropriate practice
R EAD W ELL C OMPOSITION Read Well Composition (20 minutes) – is a writing program that includes two components Skill work to teach handwriting and conventions Composition work to support creativity
R EAD W ELL H OME /S CHOOL C ONNECTION Homework 4 stories for each unit Letter/sound pages Ticket to Read is an interactive online component that promotes practice of literacy skills. Available 24/7 with an internet connection & computer Watch for a new letter every 5 days
Everyday Mathematics is the adopted K-5 district math curriculum. Everyday Mathematics … is researched based utilizes a spiral approach that revisits skills in new different ways provides hands-on lessons
Daily Routines ( 15 minutes) – helps provide meaningful opportunities to integrate math into everyday activities. Some Routines include: Number of the Day Attendance Monthly Calendar Weather & Temperature Survey
Work Session Whole Group ( minutes) – students learn foundational skills through two teacher directed lessons. The first lesson introduces new skills The second lesson revisits skills in a new or advanced way
Work Session Small Group ( minutes) – students practice previously taught skills through fun and engaging games and activities
Family Letters Homework Opportunities
S PECIAL ’ S S CHEDULE P.E. 45 minutes 2X a Week Please wear tennis shoes on these days! Music 45 minutes twice a week Library 45 minutes once a week Art 45 minutes once a week Know Your World 45 minutes once a week
K NOW Y OUR W ORLD S TUDIES 1 st Semester Jamaica 2 nd Semester
R EPORT C ARD AND T ESTING Kindergarten Progress Report (KPR) Quarterly Y/N/S and SP/WP/ NP Aims Web Summer/Winter/ Spring Reading and Math
B EHAVIOR C ALENDAR 5 color system Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
B OOK B AGS AND F OLDERS : Please check your child’s backpack each evening. Papers will come home almost every night and we would like you to take time to discuss your child’s work with them. Folders will have important papers inside. Please check the folders as well each and every night.
O THER I MPORTANT I NFORMATION Hyde Pride days are EVERY Friday. Class Shirts Friday Assembly / Star of the Week Room Assignment Staggered attendance Dress code Shoe Bead Club
H OW TO P REPARE FOR K INDERGARTEN Letters & numbers Counting (rote & objects) Colors Listening quietly to stories Writing name correctly Cutting skills Tying shoes Shapes Rhyming words