Cincinnati Brownfield Job Training Program Bonnie Phillips Environmental Compliance Manager City of Cincinnati
USEPA Grant Awards 1. $200,000 in 2001 – Committed to train 75, employ 80% – Trained 107 residents – 20 didn’t make it, 55 employed, 32 seeking employment 2. $125,000 in 2004 – Will train 75 students, employ 80%.
Students Minimum Requirements Must be 18 years of age with a GED or High School Diploma. Must commit to over 280 hours of training. Must be able to lift 40# and take a physical with a drug test. Must have a driver’s license and should have transportation.
Curriculum (288 hours) Brownfield Awareness (24 hrs.) Hazardous Waste Site Worker (40 hrs.) Toxic Use Reduction and Persistent Bio- Cumulative Toxins (8 hrs.) Confined Space Entry (16 hrs.) US DOT HM181 (8 hrs.) Advanced Innovative Technologies (32 hrs.)
Curriculum, cont. (288 hours) OSHA Construction Outreach (30 hrs.) Lead Abatement Worker (32 hrs.) Asbestos Abatement Worker (32 hrs.) Career Dev./Job Readiness (40 hrs.) Emergency Response (32 hrs.) Work Ethics (8 hrs.) Mold Remediation (8 hrs.)
Certifications Asbestos Worker Lead Worker 40 hour hazardous materials
Non-technical Training Understanding what kind of person an employer wants to hire. It’s all about attitude. Look the look. Talk the talk. Walk the walk. (clothing, hair, hand shake)
Advisory Board City Community Action Agency (CAA) Rainbow Environmental Buckeye Asbestos Removal, Inc. University of Cincinnati West End Community Council President International Chemical Workers Union
Networking Cont. Coalition of Black Trade Union and A. Phillip Randolph Institute – outreach to recruits, clothing to graduates $500 individual donation – for incidentals above and beyond (food, bus fare, dental)
Networking CAA – Job Readiness SW Ohio Career Resource Center – pay licensing fees with Workforce Investment Act $ PREP, AMOS, Job Corp – provided student referrals ICWU – provided low cost 30 hr. OSHA Construction Outreach training and free 32 hour Emergency Response training
Getting The Word Out City Contract Compliance – Conditional Approval Guidelines, website Direct Mailings – Community Councils and End Employers Graduation – Shown on Citicable Cable Access Interview with Director City Brownfield Staff
Cincinnati Brownfields Program SPUR – Strategic Program for Urban Redevelopment State Grant Awards – assessment and remediation City Development Agreement – In hiring, developer agrees to use its best efforts to fill environmental remediation jobs created as a result of this agreement with students of the City’s Brownfield Job Training Program.
Quotes from Employers “The employees we’ve hired from Cincinnati’s Brownfield Job Training Program have received a well-rounded brownfield education and are enabling us to be even more competitive in this business. They come in at entry level and many have already progressed up to management positions. They understand the brownfield big picture and, not only want a decent paying job, they want to give back to their community. Their training provides them just that opportunity.” Jerry Brown, Buckeye Asbestos Removal, Inc.
Quotes From Employers “When someone comes to our company for employment one main thing we have to consider is their experience and training. The fact that you offer us people who want to work and have all the training necessary to start work immediately is a blessing in disguise. The graduates from this program make the hiring process a “no-brainer”. This program supplies companies like ASG, pre- qualified and fully trained laborers with work experience. How could any company pass on an opportunity like that?” Jamie Davis, American Services Group, Inc.
Quotes From Employers “SCS Engineers recently hired a graduate of the Brownfield Job Training Program. Our new employee is honest, intelligent, well trained, highly motivated, and able to hit the ground running. As a result of our positive experience, we will be looking to the Brownfield Job Training Program for future hiring needs.” Rick Spencer, SCS Engineers
Quotes from Training Director Advice to trainers: “Picture the type of world you want to be in and teach that.” “Strive to provide information in an understandable fashion and sit back to see a dream come true.”
Quotes from Students “When my child looks at me he sees a man, when he looks in my eyes he sees a future.” “This program has brought back my value as a man. It’s given me a chance to be a successful worker.”
FOUR KEYS TO SUCCESS Motivated students Committed Advisory Board Quality training that meets the needs of end employers Leader with a HEART for people