Fully automatic meshing process for complex structures to capture fluid-structure efforts Project Goal: simulate a free rotating wind turbine Issues: Initially mesh the full structure properly. Set the realistic input wind profile. Compute the efforts on the blades. Generate a rotating movement using the efforts. Modify the mesh during the simulation to represent the moving structure and the turbulence. Alexandre BOILLEY – TRANSVALOR Etienne WEY – TRANSVALOR Romain KLEIN - TRANSVALOR MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 1
New website online. New features (3D visualization, https encryption) New Maidesc page ( MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 22 Since the previous meeting
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 33 Since the previous meeting Image to simulation Step 1 From a movie, an image was extracted Step 2 This image was meshed Step 3 Flow simulation:
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 44 Since the previous meeting Multiphase flow dam breaking Dam Breaking 2D
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 55 Since the previous meeting Multiphase flow water jet Hydraulic Splash
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 66 Since the previous meeting Wind tunnel 2D or 3D Analytical geometries STL or NURBS geometries
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 77 Since the previous meeting Wind tunnel 2D or 3D Cylinder What about complex objects ?
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR Basically, the mesh is adapted on a filtered distance We tested several filtering method on 3D objects. The best filtering method is sinus filtering We setup an automatic method to refine automatically the mesh in 3D 88 Automatic meshing process for complex structures
MAIDESC TRANSVALOR 99 Automatic meshing process for complex structures On going work on complex structures