FATIGUE Safet Shift Workers. Safer Roads WORKPLACE ROAD SAFETY
DRIVING TIRED CAN KILL There are three times as many accidents at work during night shift, between 11pm and 7am, as during the day. Shift workers are six times more likely to be involved in a fatigue-related road crash than other workers. FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
17 HOURS AWAKE FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
FATIGUE AFFECTS THE BRAIN Judgement Attention Visual function FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
SHIFT WORKERS ARE MORE AT RISK As a shift worker, you may be driving when your ‘body clock’ is saying that you should be asleep. You often don’t get enough sleep or get poor quality sleep. FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
MANAGING YOUR SLEEP TIME To get a better quality sleep: Try to have a regular time to go to bed Make sure your bedroom is dark and not too warm Make sure you have silence: turn the phone and doorbell down, wear earplugs, seek the cooperation of your family and neighbours Avoid caffeine for 5 hours before going to bed Avoid alcohol before bed Try a light snack and/or a warm glass of milk before bedtime FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
MANAGING YOUR WORK TIME During your night shift period, try to: Go to bed as soon as you get home Have an afternoon nap Avoid a nap during your night shift or keep it short (max min) Avoid exposure to early morning daylight Eat 3 regular meals (with ‘lunch’ at night) After your last night shift, try to: Sleep for only 2-3 hours on the first morning and get a good night asleep the following night Get plenty of exposure to daylight on your days off FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
DRIVING HOME AFTER WORK After the evening shift, your body is preparing to sleep, so be careful: cool the car interior; and don’t stop for an alcoholic drink After a night shift, your body may be at its low point in alertness. Try to have a 30-minute nap before driving FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
DON’T WAIT FOR THESE SIGNS TO WAKE YOU UP Have wandering, disconnected thoughts Can’t remember driving the last few kilometers Miss a road sign or an exit Find you have slowed or increased speed unintentionally Brake too late Can’t stop yawning Have trouble keeping your head up FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.
DRIVING TIRED CAN KILL FATIGUE Safer Shift Workers. Safer Roads.