12 th grade Miss Julie
Title: Miss Julie--Darwinism Page#9 9/9/14 Aim: How is Social Darwinism depicted in “Miss Julie”? Do Now: Background Knowledge: What is Darwinism?
Darwinism: WRITE! Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Social Darwinism: A theory arising in the late nineteenth century that the laws of evolution, which Charles Darwin had observed in nature, also apply to society. Social Darwinists argued that social progress resulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail. It gave rise to the slogan “survival of the fittest.”evolutionDarwin
Analyze the following quotes Julie. Perhaps I am, but so are you. Besides, every- thing is strange. Life, men, the whole thing is simply an iceberg which is driven out on the water until it sinks sinks. I have a dream which comes up now and again, and now it haunts me. I am sitting on the top of a high pillar and can't see any possibility of getting down ; I feel dizzy when I look down, but I have to get down all the same. I haven't got the pluck to throw myself off. I can't keep my balance and I want to fall over, but I don't fall. And I don't get a moment's peace until I'm down below. No rest until I've got to the ground, and when I've got down to the ground I want to get right into the earth. Have you ever felt any- thing like that? John. No; I usually dream I'm lying under a high tree in a gloomy forest. I want to get up right to the top and look round at the light landscape where the sun shines, and plunder the birds' nests where the golden eggs lie, and I climb and climb, but the trunk is so thick and so smooth, and it's such a long way to the first branch ; but I know, if only I can get to the first branch, I can climb to the top, as though it were a ladder. I haven't got there yet, but I must get there, even though it were only in my dreams.
Take out group assignment from yesterday We will watch a video on Social Darwinism. Task: Write a one-page response (at least). What did you learn about Social Darwinism from the video? What is your opinion about social Darwinism? How is social Darwinism related to Miss Julie DUE tomorrow!
Title: Intro to College EssayPG#10 9/12/14 Aim: How can we begin to write our college essay? Do Now: Brainstorm what makes you who you are (list the good and the bad)
Review for TUESDAY (10 questions: 5 multiple choice and 5 written) 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd (limited, objective, omniscient) Irony (Situational, Dramatic, Verbal) Allusion Epiphany Steps in Critically thinking Characterization of Miss Julie and Jean Miss Julie, Story of an Hour, Eveline, Musee Des Beaux, Emily Dickinson Poems
College Essays Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief of idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. DO NOT list strengths and weaknesses of your characters; instead, share this through story-telling
Keep It Personal The college wants to learn more about you, not one of your friends or one of your relatives It should be your story that can come from only you It should not be a story the student sitting next to you can tell, and the person next to them, and the person in the high school in the next town, or the next state…
DON’T TELL THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE Some of the best essays – the memorable and unusual ones – are very focused It should not be the story of your life, but a small glimpse of it, one that is rich with meaning and alive with imagery Essays about your family, your trip to France, or your extracurricular activities, can be effective as long as they are focused and specific! For example: A single Christmas Eve mass or Yom Kippur service A meal of boiled tongue in Strasbourg One day of scooping ice cream at Lime Rickeys
Brainstorm Begin brainstorming what you might want to write about. Do you know what you want to major in? If you do you are going to write a story that tells of how and why you want to major in this particular field? What led you to this field? If you don’t, you will a incident/story guideline from the previous slide
Exit Slip and HW Exit Slip: What is one thing you want to show the colleges about who you are? HW: Over the weekend, choose what you want to write about. You should know what you want to write about by Monday!