Promoting High Expectations for All Students through Career Technical Education: A State- and School-Level Perspective December 15, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting High Expectations for All Students through Career Technical Education: A State- and School-Level Perspective December 15, 2015

“The Cadillac Model of the CTE world.” Nationally recognized in research done by Harvard, Northeastern University, Achieve, & the Pioneer Institute. Regional Voc Techs; City Vocational Schools, & Vocational Technical Programs in Comprehensive HS Closing the “Middle Skills Gap”---Statewide Vocational Technical Frameworks

Indicators of Success High Graduation Rates (94.5%) Low Dropout Rates ( 0.7%) High Growth in High Stakes Testing (MCAS)

Partnerships with Business & Industry Program Advisory Committees for 45 Vocational Technical & Agricultural Programs Over 6,000 Advisory Board Members Statewide Co-Operative Education Programs

Employers today are looking for much more technically and academically trained graduates. They want critical thinkers who can write, communicate, and collaborate. They need to read technical manuals written at 13th or 14th grade level. Manufacturing is no longer manual carving; now it’s driven by people who can program a machine Technology Skills needed in all Career Pathways

Interest Continues to Grow Change in Vocational Enrollment: Change Change % Regional Vocational Schools 25,832 28,532 2, % Other Vocational Programs 15,709 18,351 2, % Total Vocational Enrollment 41,541 46,883 46, %

Keys to Success Fully Engaged and Immersed Students in a Career Pathway Real World Experience Small Learning Communities Integration of Academic & Technical Instruction

SUSTAINABILITY Mass. Vocational Technical School Initiatives WHAT ARE WE DOING? NEVER ENOUGH! NEVER FAST ENOUGH! Blackstone Valley Tech, Upton-First Green School-Building Project/2015 Green School included solar, water conservation, effective positioning of windows to make efficient use of natural light Solar-installation Training Installation training has been incorporated into electrical, plumbing and HVAC programs Dramatic reduction in the use of hazardous substances used in vocational training Most programs are now using water borne products i.e., inks, finishing, parts cleaning Dramatic increase in the proper disposal of hazardous substances used in vocational training Programs that generate hazardous waste such as waste automotive oil, frying oil must utilize a properly licensed vendor to remove and properly dispose of the substances. First Energy Star rated House built by students Keefe Technical School, Framingham Green Building Construction of an on campus building to use as a trainer for instruction on the zero energy concept using alternative energy and state of the art insulation, materials and products.

SUSTAINABILITY Mass. Vocational Technical School Initiatives Training programs follow the new Mass. Building Energy Code Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC-R, Plumbing Environmental Science and Engineering Programs Significant increase in the number of schools now offering these programs that concentrate on energy conservation and proper use of natural resources. Upper Cape Tech now has a new State of the Art wastewater treatment plant that is being used as the focus of their environmental science program. Significant Reduction in the use of energy Auto on/off lighting, better insulation, use of solar Significant Reduction in the use of Water Resources lower gallon auto on/off plumbing fixtures Increase in Recycling Programs Resulting in significant reduction in generation of daily waste. Use of Alternative Energy Sources. Solar, Wind, Bio Fuel Please note: This is not meant to be a complete listing of all initiatives. This is meant to be a hi-light only.

Mass. Association of Vocational Administrators Contact: David Ferreira, Executive Director Peter Dewar, Director of Professional Development