Common Core for the English Language Arts Doug Fisher Contact me at Videos on our FisherandFrey YouTube Channel
“A network of professionals that exist to develop members’ capacities, exchange knowledge, transfer best practices, and solve problems of practice” Wagner et al., 2006, p. 75
Three Themes of PLCs Three Themes of PLCs 1.A solid foundation of a shared mission, vision, values, and goals.
Three Themes of PLCs Three Themes of PLCs 1.A solid foundation of a shared mission, vision, values, and goals. 2.Teams work interdependently to achieve common goals.
Three Themes of PLCs Three Themes of PLCs 1.A solid foundation of a shared mission, vision, values, and goals. 2.Teams work interdependently to achieve common goals. 3.Focused on results. (DuFour, 2002)
Intended Outcomes of PLCs Teachers become well-informed and professionally renewed. Students perform better due to increased collaboration. Administrators are better connected to the learning climate.
What are the characteristics of a high- performing team? What can undermine the team?
We will need to agree that: Student learning is the focus. Sustained improvement requires a collective effort. We need to stick to what the data tell us. We will accept the difficult facts and act on them. We need each other to truly address the needs of all our students.
“Read like a detective, write like a reporter.”
Background Prior Cultural Vocabulary Standard English Variations Register Genre Organization Narration Text Features Graphics Density and Complexity Figurative Language Purpose Levels of Meaning Structure Knowledge Demands Language Convention and Clarity
Text Analysis
Different Readings Have Different Foci Initial reads of the text What does the text say? After at least one reading How does the text work? Later readings of the text or related texts What does the text mean?
Text-dependent Questions Opinions, Arguments, Intertextual Connections InferencesAuthor’s PurposeVocab & Text StructureKey DetailsGeneral Understandings Part Sentence Paragraph Entire text Across texts Word Whole Segments
Develop Questions for Man’s Search for Meaning
Video Analysis What instruction does the teacher provide? What is the role of collaborative conversations? What is the role of text-dependent questions?