The Eucharist and its Significance
Different names ….. Known under many different names: Breaking of Bread Eucharist Lord’s supper Mass (title used by Roman Catholics) Holy/Sacred liturgy (Eastern Orthodox) Holy Communion (communion means ’common sharing.’)
Eucharist and Passover For many Christians the Eucharist is the most important act of worship. The word Eucharist comes from a Greek word that means ‘thanksgiving’. The Eucharist remembers Jesus’ last supper as recorded in the Gospels. The final meal was the celebration of the Jewish Passover or feast of the Unleavened bread.
The Last Supper: The First ever communion
What the Bible says ….. Jesus took his place at the table with the apostles. While they were eating Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples. ‘Take it,’ He said,’This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of me.’ Then he took the cup, gave thanks to God, and handed it to them and they drank from it. Jesus said,’This is my blood which is poured out for many, my blood which seals God’s covenant.’ Mark 14:22-26
LOOKING BACK to the PASSOVER SADNESS at HIS death on a cross LOOKING FORWARD to Heaven and the Feast that awaits everyone
What Happens Today? During the service those attending and confirmed all share in the sacrament of the bread and the wine. This is a reminder to Christians of the Last Supper, when Jesus ate with his disciples for the last time, before he was arrested and put to death. Christians share bread and wine as Jesus did with the disciples and through this they feel part of the last supper. Christians believe that Jesus is present with them when they take part in the sacraments, just as he was with the disciples. Therefore God is revealing himself through the sacraments, and for many Christians it is like being filled with or receiving a part of God.
Comments from Christians ‘In communion I take the bread as a symbol of God giving strength to me. It strengthens me for all the things I Have to do during the week.’ ‘When the priest breaks the loaf and pours the wine it’s as if the meal in the upper room was happening now and Jesus is telling me how much he loves us, enough to die for us.’
Looking Back with Sadness Because of the wrong things they have done Because Jesus died
Sadness Because of the wrong things they have done Because Jesus died Looking forward with Joy Because God Forgives them Because Jesus is alive
Sadness Because they feel that their sins caused Jesus to die in the first place Celebration As they thank God for forgiving them and as they look forward to the Feast of Heaven