BIIS UNIT Business Intelligence and Information Services Strategic Policy, Resources & Finance DFEEST
BIIS Unit responsibilities: Collection of all state training under AVETMIS Standard Reporting to Government agencies and NCVER Reporting within DFEEST for decision making AVETMISS auditing and quality procedures STELA maintenance and support STELA helpdesk and training Data Quality Assurance Coding and classifications General Information
NON-Registered Training Organisations: Housekeeping Overview – USI and TVA AVETMISS 7.0 in 2014 Changes to STELA AVETMISS Reporting requirements 2012 Collection issues 2013 Audit issues STELA problems and demonstrations New On-line AVETMISS Validation Software Demo
Unique Student Identifier (USI) Commences on 1 st January 2014 if passes Parliament in Nationally Accredited Training will be reported under USI Must not issue Qualification or SOA to students without valid USI Authenticated transcript to access credit for previous study undertaken available from National system. USI does not apply to students studying Non-Accredited training Leave USI field blank If you do Accredited training also you may want to come to our other workshops for RTOs If partnered with a RTO they should know about the USI If you are collecting enrolment forms you may need to collect USI
Total VET Activity Reporting (TVA) Commences on 1 January 2014 RTOs are required to collect and report AVETMISS compliant data for nationally accredited training – both publically funded and FFS Must be compliant with AVETMISS 7.0 from 1/1/2014 Total VET Activity Reporting does not apply to Non-accredited training – must report all government funded training If you do Accredited training also you may want to come to our other workshops for RTOs If partnered with a RTO they should know about the TVA
Total VET Activity Reporting (TVA) Exemptions: Full Exemption National security, border protection and policing orgs - security Part Exemption – less student profile information Emergency, fire and rescue service organisations – certain training Enterprise registered training organisations – certain training Short Stand-alone accredited units/modules as listed <8 hours
AVETMISS 7.0 in 2014: Introduction of the Unique Student ID nation wide Collect client usual residential address information for geocoding to derive client socio-economic status Add capacity to collect Skill Set information Update the file structures and validation rules –Specific Program ID to be above the line of NAT00120 Remove unnecessary validation rules e.g. study reason different Add new validation rules e.g. record in NAT00130 will need to have enrolment in NAT00120 Name changes e.g. Enrolment Activity Start Date to Activity Start Date –Qualification Issued Flag to Issued Flag due to Skill Sets –Course becomes Program, Unit becomes Subject
New organisation to STELA: STELA Access: Fill out a STELA Login Application form for access – fax or to BIIS Unit, back re logins Two logins to get into STELA –DFEEST Threat Management Group (TMG) to get through firewall into DFEEST –STELA login to get into STELA VETA – same TMG but different VETA login Setting up STELA to enrol: Check organisation information Training Location must be set up Funding Type must be attached to organisation Check Modules are on STELA or request them to be created
2013 Changes to STELA: Maintenance and Administration changes in Semester 1 Internal security and access tightening Addition of Skill Sets for enrolments in 2013 by State codes Superseded courses disappearing off Scope of Registration now will stay open until the end of the collection year Bugs with Qualification, competency and skill set searches Improvements to Submission Progress Page To come: USI and AVETMISS 7.0 changes Changes to accept files from the new AVETMISS Validation Software Additions to Enrolment Statistics Report
AVETMISS Reporting DFEEST requires Non-RTOs to report through STELA quarterly each calendar year. (against Fin Year contracts) Annual data must be reported to DFEEST by end of January SA will then have the statistics for funding and decision making Direct entry into STELA will be AVETMISS compliant Uploaders into STELA will need to submit error free data by using the on-line AVETMISS Validation Software All STELA users must check the Submission Progress Page for error reports that must be fixed by the end of year.
Fund Types in STELA All organisations are assigned fund types in STELA against which students are enrolled All contracts have a fund type assigned eg: Foundation Skills – Non- Accredited (FSN) is the fund type for foundation skills non- accredited. If you have a funding contract but the fund type is not assigned to your organisation contact the STELA helpdesk on or
Fund types in STELA To view the list of fund types assigned to your organisation Click Organisation Information Select Funding Types Tab 2.Select Funding Types Tab 1.Click Organisation Information
Foundation Skills Accredited (FSA) Non-RTO Nominated RTO on application to auspice training RTO does assessing and reporting in STELA/SIS RTO Skills for All registered provider Cert I in Education & Skills Development on Scope of Registration on Training website and on Skills for All Scope as well
Coffee Break
2012 Data Collection Issues: Quarterly reporting not carried out during 2012 Resulting not completed before 31 st January 2013 No extensions to this date – still organisations were late Error reports on Submission Progress page to be corrected by date Start and End dates on templates must be for day of class e.g. Monday class or Wednesday class Missing Data from Student Profiles increased – must collect and report Using the incorrect result codes Actual Hours to be entered accurately
Submission Progress Page – Tab 1 You “must” ensure that you don’t have any incomplete student details, duplicate students or duplicate enrolments. During the year, it is expected that you may have unresulted students or Not yet Available results. These must be complete by end of year. Always check your Submission Progress page on STELA to review and correct all error reports These reports need to read complete by 31 st January 2014.
Submission Progress Page – Tab 2 Other requirements - Check that the funding types with no activity against them should not have activity, then notify the helpdesk by to override them. We want a green tab
Non-Accredited Modules: All Non-accredited training uses modules only –How to find on STELA If based on accredited units they must be set up on STELA as non-accredited modules. Creating new Modules process –Form on to ask for new –Notify if
Actual Hours are Nominal Hours: For non-accredited modules the Actual Hours are the Nominal Hours Actual hours are the hours the student attends the classroom or is in contact with the trainer. Actual hours cannot exceed 8 hours per day of training Actual hours are entered on the result screen in STELA and are reported to the national reporting body (NCVER) Actual hours are the hours used to pay you under Foundation Skills
Resulting Non-accredited training: Must use: “Non-assessed enrolment – satisfactorily completed” “Non-assessed enrolment – Withdrawn or not satisfactorily completed” Can use: Can use Non Start result instead of deleting enrolment Can use Not yet available result but must be changed by end of year or will be considered a Non Start and not included in collection. Don’t use: Can not use Continuing Enrolment, RPL, CT or Fail Run the Unresulted Student report Quarterly to make sure all are resulted.
2013 Data Collection: 2013 close off date is 31 st January 2014 – NO Extensions Quarter 3 reporting due 18 th October 2013 – include unresulted Quarter 4 can not include unresulted or errors Check the Submission Progress page for error reports Plan ahead and get resulting done as classes complete during the year Then you only have the last classes to result at the end of the year If you need any help with STELA ring helpdesk If you don’t know how to do something on STELA ring for training well before you need to do it, not at the end of the year
2013 Auditing Issues: Foundation Skills Non-Accredited audited for first time Enrolment forms not completed with student details Attendance sheets must clearly show –student ID or name –Module code or name –Attendance marked off for each session –Signature of trainer and date Result sheets must have trainer’s signature and date Incorrect results/outcomes used in STELA 5 years archive of enrolment records
Quarter 3 Reporting Due date is 18 th October End of Year Reporting must be completed by 31 st January 2014
STELA HELPDESK (08) Handouts – make sure you have them Training – on-line bookings on STELA home page
Any STELA Questions?
New AVETMISS Validating Software Training for Uploaders