Internet, Intranet and extranet. By Ghazia Sohail And Elliot Goulding
Internet Wide area network – huge connection of networks linked together via ‘gateways’. Need appropriate hardware/software but what is essential is an ISP (internet Service Provider). Search engines- a user can search relevant data anywhere on the internet, when searched, a hyperlink is provided to the most relevant to your particular search. other uses of the internet is keeping web logs, downloading, social networking etc.
Intranet This is set up entirely within a company’s network. Data is transmitted through LAN ( s etc.) This would strictly be used by employees and other people within the company. Information found on this would typically include:- Direct messages Personal details Forthcoming events (bulletin) Staff availability – holidays and work rota
Extranet This is access for a company that is outside the intranet. This would typically need a login in order to access this network and the data within it. This access would normally be through a firewall. BASICALLY It’s the same as intranet but access outside the company (e.g. logging into the college website from home)
Advantages of use of the internet. instant contact with people (via , messages, social networks etc.) downloading software – e.g. downloading music without getting out and buying an album. online shopping
Disadvantages Always a risk of getting your data stolen – e.g. identity theft Inappropriate/explicit content – e.g. pornography, gambling, cyber bullying etc. Spam – this could heavily irritate the user by getting unwanted s, adverts etc. Viruses – this could be a danger to your personal data.
Questions What is the difference between intranet and extranet? What kind of network is used for the internet? List 2 features that could be used in the intranet? Advantages of the internet? Disadvantage of the internet?