Keystones Literature Networking group OCTOBER 14, 2014
Agenda Introductions PDE Update Quality Assessments PBA Refresher Work Groups Evaluation
Introductions Who is at your table? When will your students take the Keystone Literature exam this year? Do you have anyone needing the PBA yet?
PDE Update Graduation Requirements 2017 New PSSA Grades 3 – 8 Additional Resource documents 2014 Item Sampler Exam Design Overview Performance Level Descriptors Understanding DOK & Cognitive Complexity
Quality Assessments Multiple Choice Constructed Response Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Quality Assessments - Resources Keystones Literature page Higher Order Thinking page
PBA Refresher Each module project will assess the Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content within that module only. PBAs are module specific and should be tied to as many AA/EC as it is reasonable to create a cohesive project.
PBA Refresher One Project may and will include multiple tasks. Projects should reflect DOK Levels 2 and 3 (Levels of the Keystone Exams
PBA Refresher Resource links MUST be embedded within the project for students to access and look at in order to learn more about the content/tasks to attempt and complete a given section. This is usually a web address to be clicked on, or a hover-over for vocabulary. Active Exploration (Variety of Methods, Media, Sources)
Strategies to Utilize for PBA’s G.R.A.S.P.S: Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product/Performance and Purpose, and Standards and Criteria for Success. The Six A's of Project Based Learning Checklist Authenticity Academic Rigor Applied Learning Active Exploration Adult Relationships Assessment Practices Taken from Svetecz, J., Presentation on February 10, 2014
Strategies To Utilize For PBAs, cont… PBA’s must be AUTHENTIC – s tems from a problem/question meaningful to student beyond school ENGAGE and SUSTAIN a student’s interest, so that they want to complete the PBA Tasks: Make creative, applicable, and rigorous tasks which also fuel student interests (Example: Role Play, Fish) Taken from Svetecz, J., Presentation on February 10, 2014
Scenario Based For Real Life Projects must be scenario-based with a back story for which a project can be tailored to and referenced for the different activities and tasks. Taken from Svetecz, J., Presentation on February 10, 2014
Keystone PBA - resources SAS Portal – Assessment CLIU Content Networking Wiki
Keystone Exams & PBA: WORK GROUPS Goal: develop multiple choice questions, constructed response questions and PBAs for use in classrooms Groups: Multiple Choice Constructed Response PBA
Next Steps Share back at your school. Continue working on items. Send to CLIU C & I to post on wiki. Next session: continue work groups & review posted items
Thank you for coming! Please complete the Evaluation. The link is on the Wiki. See you for our next session on February 23, 2015.