WARM-UP #4 Create a list of at least 10 questions (about anything… you, your friends, family, animals, the world, etc.) that you think the study of psychology can help answer
Psychology CHAPTER 1
VOCABULARY TERMS TO DEFINE: Physiological Cognitive Hypothesis Theory Scientific method Introspective
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Psyche – “the soul” Logos – the study of a subject The scientific study of behavior and mental processes Everything we think, feel, and do
Explain the following (pg )… 1.Description: 2.Explanation: 3.Prediction: 4.Influence: 1.Describe/gather info about behavior being studied 2.Explain why people behave as they do (propose as hypothesis) 3.Predict what will be done and what they think of feel in various situations (study past to predict future) 4.Influence behavior in helpful ways by conducting studies THE GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY
PSYCHOLOGISTS RELY ON THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Identify a problem/question Formulate a hypothesis Collect data through observation and experimentation Analyze the data and draw conclusions
A look at some psychologists… A BRIEF HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY
2 EARLY SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT 1. Willhelm Wundt ( ) University of Leipzig, Germany Established modern psychology as a separate field of study Structuralism: Study/observe the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences “What goes on inside our minds”
EARLY SCHOOL OF THOUGHT CONT’D 2. William James ( ) “Father of psychology in the United States” Functionalism: Study/investigate the function or purpose (NOT structure) of consciousness and behaviors and how people adapt to their environment
1 ST PSYCHOLOGISTS WERE INTERESTED IN UNDERSTANDING THE CONSCIOUS MIND… NEW, CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES EMERGED: Sigmund Freud ( ) Psychoanalytic Psychology Emphasized how unconscious (outside awareness) motives and conflicts influence behavior Used free association technique
OTHER “CONTEMPORARY” PSYCHOLOGISTS John B. Watson ( ): Behavioral Psychology Analyzed how organisms learn/modify their behavior based on responses to events in the environment Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Rollo May : Humanistic Psychology Humans are not controlled by their environment, they have the freedom in directing their future Jean Piaget, Noam Chomsky, and Leon Festinger : Cognitive Psychology Study how we process, store, retrieve, and use information; behavior is influenced by perceptions, memories, and expectations
…as a profession PSYCHOLOGY…
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY IS A THRIVING PROFESSION Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist: What’s the difference??
Psychologist : Scientist who studies the mind and behavior Psychiatrist : A medical doctor who treats people with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders; can prescribe medication or operate on patients THE DIFFERENCE…
SUBFIELDS OF PSYCHOLOGY The 2 most popular: 1. Counseling psychologists : 1.Advise and assist people with problems of everyday life 2.Work in schools or industrial firms 2.Clinical psychologists: 1.Help people deal with personal problems 2.Treat people with emotional disturbances 3.Work in private offices, mental hospitals, prisons, and clinic
COPY AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CHART: Type of PsychologistJob Description School psych. Social psych. Developmental psych. Educational psych. Community psych. Industrial/Organizational psych. Environmental psych. Psychobiologists Forensic psych. Health psych. Experimental psych.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS School psych: help young people with emotional or learning problems Social psych : study groups and how they influence individual behavior Developmental psych: study psychical, emotional, cognitive, and social changes that occur throughout life and as one matures Educational psych: evaluate teaching methods, devise tests, and develop new instructional devices to help students learn
Community psych: may work in a mental health or social welfare agency operated by State or Local govt. or by a private organization Industrial/organizational psych: study and develop methods to boost production, improve working conditions, place applications in jobs for which they are best suited, train people, and reduce accidents (make workplace more satisfying) Environmental psych: work in business settings or within the government to study the effects of the environment on people Psychobiologists: study the effects of drugs or try to explain behavior in terms of biological factors
Forensic psych: work in legal, court, and correctional systems, assist police by developing personality profiles or help understand problems like abuse Health psych: study the interaction between physical and psychological health factors Experimental psych: perform research to understand how humans operate physically and psychologically; study sensation, perception, learning, motivation, and emotion in laboratory conditions