#PRhangout Google+ Public Relations Community Expert Hangout with [your name] [twitter handle] [your title] [your address] [your website] Your Title Here
#PRhangout Hangout Housekeeping All resources for this Hangout as well as prior Hangouts can be found here: The first 30 minutes are presentation style, with an additional 30 for Q&A. If I can’t get to everything a recap will be available on our Google+ Community or via a blog post. Share your questions at anytime during the presentation in our chat.
#PRhangout Learning takeaway #1:
#PRhangout Learning takeaway #2:
#PRhangout Learning takeaway #3
#PRhangout Learning takeaway #4:
#PRhangout Questions? Contact me at: [Your name] [Your ] [Your phone]
#PRhangout The moderators made me promote my stuff for donating my time today. Insert title, link and description to one thing you’d like to promote.