Weather By: Haya Alshahrani
Why? The weather subject has been linked previously in the past with the child’s knowledge. The weather subject has been linked previously in the past with the child’s knowledge. The weather has a big effect on the child’s life especially when she can exit directly outside of the home. The weather has a big effect on the child’s life especially when she can exit directly outside of the home. Families special traditions, or habits. Families special traditions, or habits. North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS) North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCS)
Weather What is means? Why the weather changes each seasons? There are four seasons. Who knows what they are? What is the period time for each season?
The resources of weather studies Showing the kids the globe weather changing in some countries for example, the teacher can compare the winter in US vs. the winter in South America, or use example such as, “right now in May people in the country of Chile can go snow skiing.” Making craft activities for the kids, for example, the kids can make their own wind vanes to see the direction of the wind or they can make a rain cup to see the amount of rain that falls. Showing videos and pictures to kids of each of the seasons and the changes that occur in each season.
Guideline questions about the weather Do you know the names of the seasons and what happens in each season? If you are learning the weather, can you tell your family every day the temperature for weather like snow or rain so much? What temperature does water freeze in Celsius vs. Fahrenheit? After the learning the weather, can you be prepared for disasters and prevent the damage caused by the disaster?
Invitation Parents: Join us Who: Haya What: Learning about the weather for kids When: Monday Where: in the classroom Why: It is important for you to share how to learn about the weather with your kids.
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