How do you persuade? How might you try to convince someone to do something for you? (Parents to extend your curfew, teacher to postpone a due date, choice of movie with friends.) Are there any common techniques to persuasion? Do you have to know your audience that you are trying to persuade?
Propaganda Media that uses carefully-crafted messages to manipulate people’s actions and beliefs Biased: One-sided Audience: Who are they selling to?
Testimonials Celebrities or other respected people endorsing a product or idea Ask Yourself: – Who is quoted in the testimonial? – Is this person an expert? – Does the product or idea have value without testimonial?
Bandwagon People choosing to go along with the rest of the crowd. Creates impression there is widespread support for thing or idea Ask Yourself: – Does the message provide reasons for joining the group? – Is there evidence for or against joining in?
Name-Calling Using negative words and bad names to create fear and dislike for people, ideas, or institutions. Ask Yourself – Who is being called what? – Is there a real connection between the names and the person/idea being attacked?
Glittering Generalities Shows subject of the message in a positive light, but provides little or no information. Simple, clever slogans Ask Yourself – What do these slogans or catchphrases really mean?
Card Stacking Uses facts and figures to show one side as positive and the other side as negative. Ask yourself – Are facts being changed or left out? – What other pieces of information do I need to make an informed decision?
Plain Folks Technique designed to send the message that a product or person is “just like you.” Shows politicians going to the commoners or a product in the hands of everyday people. Ask Yourself – Can I trust the person or are they acting? – What are the person’s motives for visiting this place? – Is this person really just like me?
Transfer Uses your feeling abou something you to feel the same way about something else. Can be used to convince you to like or dislike something. – Flag, Animals, dieseased lung Ask Yourself – What is the image trying to get me to feel? – Is there an actual connection between the image and the person or product.
Your Mission... You will be visiting 8 Separate Stations and examining different types of propaganda. Station One: Name Calling Station Two: Testimonial Station Three: Transfer Station Four: Glittering Generalities Station Five: Plain Folks Station Six: Bandwagon Station Seven: Card Stacking Station Eight: Create Your Own Propaganda (Different from the worksheet.)
Political Cartoons
Types of Political Cartoons Symbolism: the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. Caricature: a picture, or description, exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things Captioning and labels: a title or explanation for a picture or illustration. a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, or intellectual movement Analogy: a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning Juxtaposition: an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. Exaggeration: the act of exaggerating or overstating
Captioning and Labels
Propaganda Assessment Think about Discovery Canyon and all the things that are great or may need to some tweaking. – Create a piece of propaganda that promotes DCC – Create a political cartoon that brings to light one of the things that needs to be changed. – Use any of the techniques you’d like to create your finished product MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PIECE OF PROPAGANDA or CARTOON IS SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!