Exploring influence of of international economic relations on selected European regions on the example of Nowa Deba Made by: Hadiyeh Hakimi with a help of Krzysztof Szczęch Zespół Szkół nr 2 w Nowej Dębie Nowa Dęba, 22 stycznia 2011 r.
Macroeconomic Indicators in Poland in the years Years/ indicators InflationThe unemployment rate Average salary per month PKB (Gross domestic product) in PLNin EUR According to table 1/A/ NBP/ year 20031,7%20%2201,47533,113,7% 20044,4%19%2289,57486,105,1% 20050,7%17,6%2380,29583,713,3% 20061,4%14,9%2477,23641,606,2% 20074,0%11,4%2691,03703,006,7% 20083,3%9,5%2943,86818,305,0% 20093,5%11,9 %3102,96743,511,8% 20102,4%12,8%3224,98787,703,8%
Inflation in Poland (years 2003 – 2010)
The unemployment in Poland (years2003 – 2010)
Average salary per month in Poland (years 2003 – 2010)
PKB (Gross Domestic Product ) in Poland (years 2003 – 2010)
Report about the state of companies in Poland YearsTogetherMicro 0-9 Small Medium Large > ,04%3,97%0,83%0,17% ,96%4,06%0,82%0,16% ,88%4,16%0,81%0,15% ,87%4,18%0,81%0,15% ,86%4,20%0,80%0,14% ,88%4,21%0,77%0,14% ,86%4,22%0,79%0,13% ,85%4,22%0,80%0,13% Number of companies in years (according to REGON)
Report about the state of companies before Poland joined to the EU Number of companies in years (according to REGON)
Report about the state of companies after Poland joined to EU Number of companies in years (according to REGON)
Report about the state of companies in the moment Poland joined to EU Specification Poland all together Companies’ employing: >249 Newly created Closed Number of companies closed and newly created in 2004
Report about the state of companies before Poland joined to the EU Dymanic number of closed and newly created companies in Poland
Report about the state of companies in Poland The structure of the SME sector participation in the creation of gross domestic product Medium 9,6% Small 38,3% Large 22,2%
Report about the state of sector of companies in Poland SME participation in employment
Report about the state of sector of companies after one year Poland joined to EU Import in 2005 Belgia 3% USA 2% Holandia 3% W.Brytania 3% Czechy 4% Chiny 5% Francja 6% Włochy 7% Rosja 9% Niemcy 25% pozostałe 33%
Raport o stanie sektora przedsiębiorstw w Polsce w rok po przystąpieniu do UE Eksport in 2005 pozostałe 32% Niemcy 28% Belgia 3% Ukraina 3% Szwecja 3% Holandia 4% Rosja 4% Czechy 5% W.Brytania 6% Włochy 6% Francja 6%
Report about the state of sector of companies Poland Productivity in small and medium-sized businesses in the regions (thousands PLN )
Report about the state of companies in the moment Poland joined to EU Synthetic evaluation of the situation of companies in the regions in 2004
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