You Will Need: 1)Pencil, Colored Pencils 2)Atom Movie Notes – Picked up Yesterday 3)Atom Booklet – due Today 4)Binder Check #2 – due Tomorrow at the beginning of class. 5)½ page of notes for Test #2 Tomorrow.
1)Target Concepts for Test #2– ½ page of notes, done by hand, front side only. 2) Binder Check #2 – Due at the beginning of class on Thur. Atom Booklet Directions – Behind the IN PROGRESS TAB Will not be returning VIRTUAL DENSITY LAB
1) Follow Script – Fill in (I will be stopping and starting movie) 2) Quizzes – Not graded for points…..just for honesty and participation. 3)Write letter and word answers.
Isotope Ion Valence Covalent Bonding Ionic Bonding # of Electrons in outer most “shell” of atom Different form of same element; Same proton #; diff. neutron # A charged atom; has > or < electrons than protons The sharing of electrons between bonded atoms The transfer of electrons forming ions (+ to – attraction)
1) Binder Check #2– Due at the beginning of class Tomorrow. 2) ½ page of notes – Test #2 Tomorrow