Vijay Anand Product Management The transformation into the new social, mobile and global world
Intuit : A story of transformation
25 years: A wonderful story of success Trusted brands Large user bases…more than 35M Third party relationships Talent & expertise Significant financial strength
2011: A Connected Services company 50M users…35M on hosted products & services Innovation pipeline improved 5x Nearly $4B in revenue 62% of revenue from connected services Street and employee confidence in our future
Market research Customer surveys/interviews Product requirements analysis Large silo’d teams Annual release cycles Yesterday’s topic
Innovation by doing… customer immersion, pain point analysis lean agile cross functional teams rapid iterations with customers analysis of customer behaviors through data Today’s topic
Be clear on the mission before you embark on the journey Financial… making & saving money, grow & profit “Better Money Outcomes” Productivity… turning drudgery into time for what matters most Compliance… without even having to think about it Confidence… from the wisdom & experience of others To be a premier innovative growth company that improves our customers’ financial lives so profoundly… they can’t imagine going back to the old way …and those who serve them We serve these end customers ConsumersSmall Businesses Accountants Financial Institutions Health Care Players
Develop core capabilities and make it part of everyone’s role Deliver the customer benefit They actively use They proactively recommend Intuit applies two core capabilities to delight customers… Customer Driven Innovation Design for Delight Love Metrics Customer Driven Innovation
The big questions for you How do you build your product strategy around the customer How do you leverage the culture of innovation around you How do you deliver for today and for tomorrow
QUESTION #1 How do you build your product strategy around the customer?
To walk a mile in a customer’s shoes… you must first remove your own
Create opportunities to engage in dialogue
Bring customers into the development process
ભટ્ટા પાદરા એજંટ બરોડા એજંટ અમદાવાદ એજંટ: સુરત એજંટ
SUMMARY – Building your product strategy around the customer Walk in the customers’ shoes Create opportunities to engage in dialogue Bring customers into the development process
QUESTION #2 How do you leverage the culture of innovation around you?
Small teams Foster an entrepreneurial environment Rapid experimentation Celebrate failure
Intuit - Confidential Idea conceived in unstructured time… The power of unbridled passion
Enable ideas to come from anywhere
Jyoti, Student, Guwahati, Assam Nageshwara, Farmer, Andhra Pradesh Ramesh Kumar, Hospital Employee, Jaipur, Rajasthan Needs career information, education services Needs bus schedule, local news Needs weather, news, market prices for crops
SUMMARY – Leverage the culture of innovation Questions you ask…not answers you give Foster an entrepreneurial environment Enable ideas to come from anywhere and set up processes to empower innovators
QUESTION #3 What do you deliver today vs tomorrow?
"I'm actually as proud of many of the things we haven't done as the things we have done.”
1.Identify the one BIG pain point that YOU can solve well 2.Define THE customer benefit you DELIVER 3.Make it very EASY to use … FIRST time and every time 4.Deliver the customer benefit as EARLY as possible 5.Test early and relentlessly and Measure ruthlessly …amplify what works and cut what doesn’t (fail fast)
SUMMARY – Deliver for today and tomorrow Focus on delivering THE customer benefit Make it EASY to use first time and every time Test EARLY and measure ruthlessly
Leading innovation & growth in a changing world Build your product strategy around the customer Leverage the culture of innovation around you Deliver for today and for tomorrow
the only constant is change
There is one certainty: You will have to lead transformational change
Thank you