1 Good Questions Spark discussion Motivate a topic Address a common misconception Help students “speak” in the language of your discipline Foster reflection on subjective issues (e.g. design tradeoffs) Connect different concepts
2 Why is this code in Turtle.java incorrect? (pick any that apply – there are no assumptions for this code) A.Nothing is incorrect B.Return type is wrong C.Parameter is used incorrectly D.turnLeft should be turnRight E.use of turtle1 is incorrect public mySquare(int size) turtle1.turnLeft(); turtle1.forward(100); turtle1.turnLeft(); turtle1.forward(100); turtle1.turnLeft(); turtle1.forward(100); turtle1.turnLeft(); turtle1.forward(100); A.Good Question B.Bad Question A.Good Question B.Bad Question
3 Does order matter? Are these two turtles in the same location? Turtle maria = new Turtle(30,100,w); Turtle jose = new Turtle(100,30,w); A.Yes, they both are in World w at 30 and 100! B.No, they are in different locations C.What’s a parameter? A.Good Question B.Bad Question A.Good Question B.Bad Question
4 Individual vote - No room for discussion.... Group Vote
>> im = imread('rainbow.jpg'); >> part = im(1:floor(end/2), floor(end/2)+1:end, :); >> imshow(part) 5 a) b) c) d) e) None/other/error Which image results from the following code segment: A.Good Question B.Bad Question A.Good Question B.Bad Question
6 How would we fill in this SoundSample[] A.Good Question B.Bad Question A.Good Question B.Bad Question
7 The Sample Rate that the Sound class ASSUMES is 22KHz: How long is a SampleSound[] in a Sound object of 1 second? A.22 elements B.11,000 elements C.22,000 elements D.44,000 elements E.We can’t tell from the data provided A.Good Question B.Bad Question A.Good Question B.Bad Question
8 The Barber A certain town has only one barber (a man). Every man in the town is clean- shaven. The barber shaves every man in the town who does not shave himself. Question: Does the barber shave himself? a)YES b)NO c)Not enough information d)Other 8
9 What does this code do? A.Decreases the blue component of a picture B.Sets the green component of each pixel to be the same as the blue component C.Sets the blue component of each pixel to be the same as the green component D.Loops over all pixels in pixelArray. For each pO calls getGreen and stores that into value. Then sets value into blue. E.None of the above. Pixel[] pixelArray = this.getPixels(); int value = 0; for (Pixel pO: pixelArray) { value = pO.getGreen(); pO.setBlue(value); }
10 You are asked to sketch this scene for a geologist, which sketch is best? science.nationalgeographic.com
11 Examine the map and answer the question that follows. X, Y, and Z represent continental lithosphere, the blank areas represent oceanic lithosphere. How many plates are present? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6