Vaijayanthi Dhara Vana Maala Dhara The Lord is adorned with Vaijayanti, a garland of sylvan flowers of unfading splendor (vanamala) strung with flowers of five different colours
Shankha Chakra Dhara Peetam Bhara Dhara Holder of the wheel of cosmos ‘Chakra’ and Conch (Shankha), symbol of origin of the sound Om; the Lord is clad with a golden veil that represents the Vedas
Vaijayanthi Dhara Vana Maala Dhara The Lord is adorned with Vaijayanti, a garland of sylvan flowers of unfading splendor (vanamala) strung with flowers of five different colours
Sreekara Purandara Giridhara Naaghara Holder of the mountain to protect the inhabitants, the Lord has Goddess Sri (Goddess of prosperity) in His auspicious bosom (in the form of a golden streak)
Murali Dhara Gana Shyama Manohara The God of Pure Love ‘Gana Shyama’ with captivating charm, holds ‘Murali’ the divine flute in His hand and bestows ecstasy with His flute music