I am from New Zealand My favourite sport is soccer The population of New Zealand was estimated to be around 4.5 million at the start of New Zealand's national food is a hangi a hangi is cook in the ground by heated rocks. In Māori mythology, Taniwha are beings that live in deep pools in rivers, dark caves, or in the sea, especially in places with dangerous currents.
New Zealand’s national colour’s
At home I eat vegetables and meat for dinner. At school I have a sandwich and fruit Every day I eat a lot of food I have a variety of meat and vegetables
In New Zealand we celebrate Anzac day. Because we are faithful of the men that went to war for us New Zealand and Australian soldiers fought for us bravely so then we repay them with an Anzac day where we wear red poppies to celebrate their bravery
In New Zealand we do a thing called a Haka it is a call for a challenge In New Zealand we do a thing called a waiata it is a type of music it is amazing
Traditional Māori dress was both varied and complex. Māori wore a wide range of hairstyles and ornaments, skin colourings and oils, as well as facial or body tattoos.