The IBRA* project *International Battery for Reading Assessment Giacomo Stella University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy EDA
A project for a common reading assessment battery in Europe A set of comparable instruments to test reading acquisition and performance in different languages to obtain a standard battery useful in EU countries Use standardized measure for multilinguage studies To have estimation of dyslexia prevalence in different countries using the same battery
Irest project standardized texts to assess reading performance, for multiple equivalent texts for repeated measurements, and for texts equated across languages for multi-language studies were obtained from the IREST project
IREST ChilDREN We have text in 17 different languages Adult measures (from 18 to 35 y.o.) What about children? From which grade is it possible to use the same text? Do we need some other instruments to assess reading performance at early stages?
Steps toward the IBRA project International Battery for Reading Assessment 1.looking for existing instruments available to study early stages of reading acquisition Letterchain Wordchain 2.Check if IREST materials fits requirements for assessing also children primary school reading performance
Reading Performances in italian 4° and 5° grades students
Reliability of IREST test battery in Italian
Changes across ages