Choose your own financial adventure By: Jess Suvarna
Here are 5 important things I learned about part time jobs Interest Payment Credit Down Payment Recursion
Recursive Bonuses Limits Net Pay Salary Pay Here are 5 important things I learned about Credit cards
I would/ I would not suggest a teenager get a part time job. I wouldn’t suggest a teenager get a part time job because it interferes with your afterschool activities including sports, tutoring, clubs and etc.
I would not suggest a teenager to get a credit card because they would go on a shopping spree and buy everything and then not have any money on their credit cards. I would/ I would not suggest a teenager get a credit card.
Interest is… and it effects my life by … charge for borrowed money generally a percentage of the amount borrowed Helps you get money
Recursion is… and it helps me interpret my world by… Recursion is the sequence of steps using numbers and you plug it into the calculator Making it easier to do multiple steps on the calculator