Connie Henrich Administrator Be Well Home Services/Lutheran Homes of South Carolina 1
2 * Faith based, non profit organization; * 5 CCRCs around the state, state-wide Hospice, state-wide Be Well Home Services; * employees; * Serve over residents/patients/clients each day; * 80% of those we serve are not Lutheran
3 * Expands our mission to people we would otherwise not serve; * 95% of seniors will NEVER live on our campuses; * All LHSC facilities are CCRCs – HCB people are a natural and untapped extension with limitless potential; * Program also serves residents on our campuses; * It’s the wave of the future – in the last 5 years the industry has grown 74%!
4 * Offers a person centered focus and enables us to respond to individual needs as they change over time; * Provides increased choice of services / programs; * Increases/maintains census in independent and assisted living settings.
5 * Offers a person centered focus and enables us to respond to individual needs as they change over time. * Instead of bundling services into packages, people can select the specific service they want and pay only for the time that service requires. * Service hours can be added as the individual needs change.
6 * Provides increased choice of services / programs; * Mom has been in touch with your community but is in “borderline need” ---- offer help at home! * Serves as a great transition to your community! * One current resident needs transportation to the local pool; one resident wants to go to the mall for a few hours but can’t really shop alone; one assisted living resident needs someone to be at the doctor’s appointment with her……….offer a menu of services appropriately priced.
7 * Increases/maintains census in independent and assisted living settings – everyone’s favorite! * 2 hours of am or pm (or both?) help for an independent resident might be all that’s needed to stay independent. * Assisted living residents shouldn’t be at the doctor’s office alone; family isn’t always available. * No one wants to send any resident to the ER by themselves; family isn’t always available.
8 * AM/PM hands on assistance * Medication reminders * Transportation * Light Housekeeping * Appointments * Shopping * Presence of staff to assure safety
9 * Technology: seen as a means for allowing people to safely age in their homes: * PERS, Medication Dispensers * Home monitoring programs * Phillips, Well-Aware, Independa
10 * This is where you want the majority of your clients – limitless growth potential. * Client growth is only limited by staffing; limit “windshield” time. * Off campus service is the hardest to manage; requires excellent staffing, scheduling and lots of home visits. * Requires an accurate service plan – no one is there to supervise the staff so they must know the plan.
11 * Staffing --- it’s different than facility staffing; * Issues related to staffing: * Wages, benefits, overtime, background checks * Regulations --- does your state regulate non-medical home care? * Competition --- franchises, “mom and pops,” the dreaded “friend”!!
12 * Need an entrepreneurial type person leading the charge; a go-getter, good presenter, a “solution consultant” * Need a strong and consistent way to reach the “masses” – internet, newspaper, etc. * Need more than just one piece of collateral; need to address different situations where help might be needed.
13 * Minimum number of service hours?? * Competitive Rate! * Can your existing billing program handle it – square peg/round hole * Software package? You’ll likely need a new one.
14 * What’s your niche? * Do you have internal funding abilities or will grant funding be needed. We started with a grant. * Spend time doing research. * Start on your campus. Limit other providers. * Does your state require licensure? * Determine your payment sources. All private? Medicaid? Vouchers? VA? LTC Insurance?
15 * Integrate technology. * Promote, promote, promote within the company. Have all residents sign up for the service, even if they aren’t likely to use it soon. * Cultivate referral sources; spend time and money on marketing; reach the “masses” * Have a real person answer the phone 24/7. * Continual communication with clients (including staff in the communities you may serve)
16 * Have a total top down commitment to success * Have all staff be made aware of your program * Reach out to anyone who has been associated with your business!