1 Features of the Distance Diagnostics through Digital Imaging system for use by Discipline Diagnosticians
2 After logging in, if there are samples waiting diagnosis, they will be displayed on this opening page
3 Clicking on the sample number will open the sample, with thumbnail images showing at the top. Larger images will be presented when clicking on a thumbnail.
4 An evaluation choice is offered. The sample can be diagnosed, or if an agent has chosen the wrong form (e.g. Insect ID instead of Forestry), then the sample can be forwarded to the appropriate diagnostician. If “outside” help is needed, sample information and images can be forwarded to such a source.
5 If the choice is made to evaluate the sample, the entire evaluation form is displayed which allows viewing submitted sample information and images, and provides fields in which to place a diagnosis, recommendations and other comments. If it is desirable that a copy of the diagnosis be forwarded to another diagnostician too, that can be done.
6 If the choice is made to forward the sample to another more appropriate diagnostician, that person can be selected from a drop-down list.
If the choice is made to consult with an outside evaluator, a form is provided on which to indicate information about a consultant. When the consulting request is submitted, an is sent to the desired consultant.
8 Physical samples that a diagnostician has submitted can be retrieved, along with the PDF presentation of the diagnosis.
9 Diag 1 Digital samples a diagnostician has evaluated can be retrieved and reviewed.
10 Whenever a diagnostician will be unavailable for some period of time, notification of all samples submitted for their evaluation may be re-routed, or forwarded, to another diagnostician. Diag 2
11 The diagnostician to whom forwarding has been extended will be listed, and under “Manage Your Account”, the option to “Turn Forwarding Off” now is available. Diag 2
12 To “Turn Forwarding Off”, click on that option under “Manage Your Account” and on the screen presented, and forwarding will be deactivated. Diag 2
13 Current contacts for the Distance Diagnostics through Digital Imaging system include: Catherine Davis, Project Manager David Barber, Lead Programmer Sherri Clark, Programmer
14 Where to find this presentation Click on DDDI on main menu in blue. Click on DDDI on main menu in blue. Click on Power Point > Presentations > Presentations > UGA Diagnostician Training Click on Power Point > Presentations > Presentations > UGA Diagnostician Training